F I F T Y - S E V E N

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May 18, 1999

I was out of the office for a week and a bit. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you before.
Hermione wrote me and said you were in the Hospital Wing. Are you alright?
I'm coming to visit Hogwarts this weekend just to see how things are doing.
I can help you then.
Hope you're doing well,

The letter was addressed to me on the 14th. It's the weekend now, which means it's most likely that Harry is in the castle.

I need his help to find the Resurrection Stone.

He needs to find it.

That's why I also wrote a quick letter to Hermione at 6 in the morning while Draco was asleep in his room.

I didn't sleep at all.

Pansy and Theo are talking to me and asking me questions that I keep avoiding.

Maybe I'll tell them one day.

I don't blame them, it's interesting and confusing. I'm hearing bloody voices.

Well, one voice.

His voice.

But I haven't heard it since our little scrap in April and now I'm wondering if he's going to come back to me.

To talk.

Maybe, Pomfrey's predictions are coming true sooner than later.

What if Kayden's voice was a figment of my imagination and he wasn't there at all?

What if he's actually, completely dead?

I took a deep breath in and scribbled a letter to Hermione.

Harry's here today.
I need your help to find something.
I know you know what.

I sent it off with a little barn owl that's been sent to the Head Girl dorm for 'emergency uses only'.

Then, I used my wand to make a pot of coffee.

I'm so tired.

Alana hasn't talked to me since the day after the incident in her dorm. She isn't mad at me, just confused.

I told her I'd give her time after I told her the basics of what's been going on.

She asked a lot of questions too.

I took a sip of the coffee I made and ran a hand through my hair before hearing Draco emerge from his room, eyebrows raised.

"Why are you awake?"

"I didn't sleep." I said, yawning.

"Why not?" He asked.

More questions.

"Because I don't want to." I replied, sassily.

"Sleep is important, love," he sauntered over to me, walking behind me and putting his hands on my waist, making me shiver. He placed his lips onto my neck and peppered kisses down, down, down. Then, he growled against my skin. "You can't be tired when we do things like this."

I tilted my head, giving him more space, but I had to tell him. "I have to tell you something."

"Mmm?" He hummed against my neck.

"But you can't be angry with me." I stared at the wall in front of me.

His lips travelled higher, towards my ear, where he hissed. "That isn't a good sign."

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