N I N E T Y - E I G H T

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July, 2003

Oh, god.

Merlin's fucking right tit.

Holy shit.

This is happening.

My hands shook as I sat on the couch. Draco was out to grab a couple things for dinner.

I didn't expect this. Oh my god.

My hands shook in pure terror as I struggled not to have a panic attack. I couldn't tell whether I wanted to vomit, or jump for joy.

This is fucking happening.

I wrung my hands as I heard the unlocking of the door. I bolted up and watched as Draco walked in the room with a brown paper bag in his arms.

He set it down on the table and frowned when he saw me in my nervous state. "What's got your wand in a knot?"

I shook my head. I couldn't- oh my god.

"What is it?" He asked.

I laughed and blinked nervously. I couldn't speak right now. What in his mind let's him think I can speak right now.

This is incredible news. It is, but I didn't think it was time yet. I thought we'd have a bit longer. I mean, this is terrifying.

"What the fuck is it, Y/N?" He asked again, this time sounding a bit more concerned.

He carefully walked over to me as if he were walking toward a bunny or deer. As if I would be startled with any noise.

When he got close enough, he placed his hands on my shoulders. I melted to his touch, becoming less tense. I was still shaking.

This isn't real.

"Are you okay?" He asked, trying a different approach.

I shrugged. "I- I don't know."

Words. I got words out.

Good start, Y/N.

Now, how are you going to tell him this.

He led me over to the couch and sat me down carefully, then took a seat next to me. His hand glided effortlessly down my arm, and sent shivers up my spine.

But not even his tricks could drain the shock in me this time.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" He murmured softly. "What happened?"

"Draco." I breathed.

The words got stuck in my throat.

"'Draco', what?" He questioned.

I took a deep breath. "Draco, I'm-"

"Come on, Y/N. Just tell-" he began.

"I'm pregnant."

The words poured from my mouth when I finally got the courage to utter them. I couldn't even believe it myself. I did the test jokingly after I heard Alana's experience on the phone earlier. I wasn't nauseous like she was, or throwing up at all.

I didn't expect it to be positive.

But then it was and I wasn't okay anymore. I didn't call Alana back, I didn't talk to anyone. I walked downstairs — I don't even know how I managed to do that with the amount of shock I was in — and sat on the couch waiting for Draco to get home.

The test is still upstairs.

Draco's fingers froze on my arm and he stared at me in shock. Ha. Now he knew.

Dark Love (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now