T W E N T Y - F O U R

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January 30, 1999

"Coming!" I shouted towards the entrance to the Head Girl's dorm. It was Saturday, most of the school was at Hogsmeade.

Draco was out flying. He asked if I wanted to join but I have a meeting with Harry. He wasn't pleased.

Before this, I was doing research on Legilimency. I think I'm getting close on how to do something about Kayden.

I went up to the door and mumbled the password before it let Harry in. "Hi." He said.

"Hey." I replied, stepping away from the door so I could let him in.

"How have you been?" Harry asked, rocking back on his feet.

I took a deep breath. "Okay, it's hard."

"I'm sorry. You shouldn't be going through this." He told me, guilt in his eyes.

"Well, I did hurt a lot of people. I deserve a punishment, don't I?" I said, coldly. I walked over to the couches and sat in front of my Legilimency work.

Harry leaned over me and peered at the work on the table. "Legilimency and Occlumency," he recited. "I was bloody horrible at that."

"What year did you learn it?" I questioned, flipping along the pages.

He took a seat beside me. "5th year. Snape tried teaching me."


"Voldemort tried penetrating my memories. I failed at it though and ended up being tricked." Harry explained, trying to shrug it off.

"He tricked you?" I asked, pausing to look at him. "What did he do?"

Maybe, this was it.

Maybe it was my Father I had to look at. His skills, his talents.

"He messed with my head, made a fake memory of my Godfather, Sirius being tortured." Harry said.

"Sirius?" I whispered.

Kayden said something about Sirius Black. That's Harry's Godfather, right?

"Anyway, he died." Harry finished.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I sighed and gazed down at the parchment below me.

"It's fine. How is sharing a dorm with Malfoy? He's not bugging you, is he?" He asked, scooting closer to me.

I wasn't really paying attention to him. "Oh, Malfoy? Yeah, yeah he's fine."

"What are you working on?" Harry pressured, gazing over my shoulder again.

I could feel the warmth of his skin, that's how close he was. My stomach contracted and I gulped.

He didn't seem to notice how close we were as he read the words out loud. "The study of Legilimency has been tested in order to bring others back from the dead. Not fully, but for brief moments, causing them to communicate with the ones they love at any given time. This is only a theory and no one has done it but it is said that only powerful Legilimens can preform this act."

"I've been hearing voices," I admitted at almost a whisper. "Well, a voice. His voice."

Harry looked visibly uncomfortable. "You shouldn't meddle with this type of magic, Y/N. It isn't safe. You can't bring people back from the dead."

"It's not illegal! It doesn't hurt anyone either. Why can't I?" I defended.

"I know that, but if there was a way-" He began.

I cut him off. I knew the one way to get him to agree. "Then, wouldn't you want to see your parents again? Talk to them? To Sirius?"

I could see him in deep thought. He was truly considering it.

Dark Love (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now