E I G H T Y - F I V E

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February 19, 2000

Alana brought us to a club. A fucking club. It had blasting music, flashing lights with fun colours, and it reeked of alcohol.

No wonder why Narcissa turned us down this time.

I couldn't fight the smile that broke through my lips as we entered the establishment.

No doubt we were overdressed slightly, but we were the best looking ones here.

"It's a Muggle club," Alana shouted over the blasting music. "So, I'd recommend that we refrain from using wizarding slang."

"That would probably be best." Hermione chipped.

Luna pushed her hair over her shoulder. "I've never been to a Muggle club. This is quite the place."

"It really is." I said, breathlessly.

It was wonderful.

We decided to stick together and let Hermione and Alana do most of the talking because they know Muggle ways more than we do. Pansy, Luna, and I followed their leads.

We got up to this bar and sat in the five bar stools out for us. A man from behind the bar wearing a loose white top smirked at us. "What will it be today, ladies?"

"May we have 4 tequila shots and one red wine for me, please." said Hermione.

"Come on, 'Mione. I'll get us home, you have the shot." Alana insisted.

"Not happening. You planned this." Hermione shot her down. "4 shots and one red wine, please."

"Coming right up." The man behind the bar winked.

"I wonder what those sods are up to tonight." said Alana.

"Well, who is all there?" I asked.

"Malfoy — obviously — Blaise, Theo, Neville, and Harry." Alana answered.

Neville and Harry?

"How come he invited Harry?" I scoffed.

Don't get me wrong, I love Harry as a friend. He's always been a good friend to me and I appreciate that, but why in the ever loving fuck is he at Draco's party.

"I think it was something about 'forgiveness' and 'forgetting the past'." Hermione mumbled.

"But why in the fuck is Potter there? Do you know how many times he made fun of him in school?" Pansy huffed.

"Well, you did the same to me in school and I'd say that we've become decently close." Hermione shrugged.

Pansy's eyebrows furrowed. "We're talking about Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy here. They haven't got along since the beginning of time."

Luna interjected. "I think it's lovely that they're both trying to get along. They have been so horrible to each other for years now and I don't see the problem in them having a friendship."

"Oh, no, no," I rushed out. "I don't have a problem with it at all. I'm just confused."

"I see," the blonde said, dreamily. "It is a little confusing."

Everyone paused before Pansy spoke up again. "Wait, didn't you say that Longbottom was going too?"

"Yeah." Alana cocked her eyebrow at the girl.

The barman set our drinks in front of us. "There you go."

"Thank you." Hermione said, sweetly.

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