S E V E N T Y - T H R E E

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August 3, 1999

My hair was being brushed from my eyes.

I stirred, trying to blink back the sleep that I was regaining myself from.

Draco laid next to me with a smile on his face, his hand absentmindedly stroking my hair away as he stared at me.

"Morning." I smiled back at him.

The sunlight was being drawn through the window and the emerald blankets around me were starting to feel too hot against my body.

A light summer breeze was flowing through the window behind Draco, ruffling the curtains.

"Happy Birthday." Draco murmured, his grey eyes shining in the sunlight.

I chuckled, my morning voice groggy. "Thank you."

I forgot my birthday was today. To be honest, I've been kind of nervous for it to arrive. After all, my last birthday was behind bars in Azkaban.

Draco leaned forward and kissed my lips, lazily. It only progressed a little bit before a light knock rapped onto the door.

"Come in." Draco called, his own voice hoarse.

Narcissa stepped in. She was holding a small gift in her hands and smiled down at us. "Happy Birthday, Y/N."

I pulled myself into a sitting position on the bed and rubbed the sleep from my eyes as Narcissa sat at the foot of the bed, passing me the gift bag.

"Narcissa, you didn't have to." I said, taking the gift hesitantly.

"Of course I did. You're family, Y/N." Narcissa insisted.

I bit my lip as my tired fingers toyed with the navy blue tissue paper in the bag. I pulled it out, letting it crinkle, and placed it next to me.

When I looked into the bag, I saw a glimmer of silver and a small white lace box.

I pulled out the silver to discover it was a picture frame. The picture inside was of a young woman.

She had light brown hair, and crisp hazel eyes. She was wearing a long black robe that fit her well and her hair was half-up, half-down, tied with a strip of black lace.

She smiled at the camera and seemed to laugh slightly before letting her gaze fall to the man on her arm.

The woman looked as if she was in her early twenties, he looked to be at least double her age.

The man had ocean blue eyes that were colder than my own, dark brown hair that tussled at the top of his head, and a set jaw.

He looked drained. Perhaps he was being taken over by the amount of dark magic he had used.

I knew exactly who he is, who she is.

Tom Riddle didn't seem to be too fond of having Elizabeth Zoren's arm linked with his. He didn't seem fond of the pictures being taken of him either.

From looking at the picture, I could see how similar I am to both of them.

Elizabeth's smile was exactly like mine, so was the look in her eyes as she gazed at Tom so lovingly.

It tore at my heart.

She loved him, but he couldn't love her back.

I got Tom's strained glares and most of his looks. It's so easy to tell that I'm his daughter.

That made my stomach churn.

I watched as he gave Elizabeth a slight sneer as she gripped his arm tighter and then raised his chin, setting his jaw while glaring daggers at the camera.

Dark Love (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now