F I F T Y - E I G H T

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May 25, 1999

We were in the Forbidden Forest for what had to be the seventh time this month, searching for a tiny red stone that could be anywhere under the twigs and leaves.

It has been over a year and Harry still remembers where my father almost killed him.

Thank Godric for The-Boy-Who-Lived-Died-And-Lived-Again.

This is exactly why I needed him here.

Maybe we could even make amends; be friends again. I'd like that.

It was warmer around this time now. June was right around the corner and we were going to leave Hogwarts soon.

For good.

Hermione, Harry, and I are trudging through the Forest when we hear a panting noise and a yell. "Wait for me!"

And then another. "And me!"

They came hurtling towards us, pushing each other. The three of us stepped back, thinking it was a Centaur or something along those lines.

But they weren't Centaurs all right.

"Fuck you, Alana!" Draco sneered as Alana pushed him onto a tree.

Alana ignored him. "If you're looking for a way to bring back Kayden, I'm in."

"They're looking for the bloody Stone. I explained this to you earlier, thickhead." Draco spat at her as he stepped towards us.

They were arguing like siblings.

"Me? A thickhead?" Alana scoffed.

Draco retorted. "Well, you got pregnant twice in a row. What does that say about you, Wood?"

Alana hissed. "At least I'm not a jealous moron!"

"Very clever." Draco snorted.

"Unlike you," Alana raised her eyebrows. "It's clear to me why the Sorting Hat didn't put you in Ravenclaw!"

"It didn't put you there either, did it? It put you in bloody Gryffindor, where the dumbest fuckers in this school get placed!" He argued.

This was kind of entertaining...

"Hey!" Hermione and Harry spat in unison.

"As per the exception of Granger." Draco said.

Hermione made a 'hmph' noise, and Harry looked as if he just got hit in the stomach with a Bludger.

"And the Slytherin's are somehow bright?" Alana scoffed. "What about Tweddle-Dee and Tweddle-Dumb, huh?"

"Pansy too." I whispered.

Alana pointed at me. "Thank you!"

"Anytime." I laughed.

Draco looked offended that I would even consider defending Alana's honour before his own.

He was so offended, that when Harry demanded it stop because 'this was childish' and lead the way ahead, he whispered to me. "Why in Merlin's bloody name would you do that?"

"What are you going to do, Draco? Punish me?" I teased, thinking he'd do nothing of the sort.

But his angered face became snaky and a smirk took over the frown on his lips.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I'm screwed.

That may be quite literally.

When Harry got to the area where he had been temporarily murdered, he let out a heavy breath and waved his hand out. "This is where I died."

"You should do it again, for old-times sake." Draco murmured.

Dark Love (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now