T H I R T Y - T W O

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February 20, 1999

"Professor Flitwick?" I asked the Charms teacher as the rest of the students filed out. "I just wanted to ask when the essay was due?"

"End of the week, Miss Riddle." Flitwick responded, coldly.

Out from behind me, Parvati Patil — my year, Gryffindor — came up and asked the same question. "Professor? When is the essay due?"

"It's due at the end of this week, Miss Patil. Have a good rest of your day." The small professor smiled at the girl.

"You too!" She replied, a smile on her lips.

My mouth fell open. "You're joking."

"Excuse me?" He turned to me, his cold expression returning.

"What was that?" I scoffed.

"What was what, Miss Riddle?" He crossed his arms and stared up with me, an accusing glare testing his face.

Was he serious?

"Professor Flitwick, you're favouriting students and I don't think that's very fair." I said in the most professional voice I could.

Flitwick was quick to respond. "I don't think this is a case of favouritism. It's a case on what students I respect."

"Which are?"

"Not Death Eaters." He gave me a deep cut eye.

"Ex-Death Eater, against my own will. I would like to remind you that I have already suffered enough-" I argued, trying to be respectful of the professors authority.

He cut me off. "Enough? Not nearly."

"You're supposed to be good!" I snapped. "What happened to fucking forgiveness?! Does that not exist!?"

"Detention, Miss Riddle! Also, 10 points from Slytherin." Flitwick sneered.

All of a sudden, I had a sudden want to kick the tiny teacher through a Quidditch hoop and pray that he'd land in Albania.

But I bit my tongue and left.

I didn't say another word, just marched up to the dorm.

I even walked passed Draco as he tried to wait for me after class.

"Y/N, wait!" He shouted as I weaves through the crowded halls.

Draco pushed through the crowd too but I didn't stop for him. I was on a rampage. I needed to get to the room right this second.

As soon as I got there, I scoffed the password and got in. I grabbed a book off the shelf and threw it across the room.

I needed to break something.

My mind wandered to the rose in the glass vase but I couldn't. It would be satisfying, but no.

So, I settled for a scented candle sitting on the window cil.

I took it and chucked it across the room, listening to the glass shatter and the hard wax hitting every which way onto the floor.

Draco came in next and saw me standing there. "What the fuck?"

I turned to him, my hand flailing in the air. "Flitwick — he - he's — he's fucking horrible." I struggled to find the words.

He walked over to me, hand out. "Wand." He demanded.

"No." I said sternly, holding it closer to me.

"I don't want you to hurt yourself. Give it," He insisted, sticking his hand out further.

Dark Love (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now