E I G H T Y - T H R E E

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December, 1999

"You're marrying Professor Malfoy?" Frankie asked, barging into my office.

I didn't look up from the test I was marking. "Hello, Frankie. How are you?"

Frankie and I have a sort of friendship now. He tells me practically everything, and I tell him quite a bit too.

Well, except for my engagement and further wedding.

I guess I just forgot. I mean, I talk about the wedding and everything with the other professors at break and with Draco, but I guess I just assumed that Frankie would know. It's not a secret.

"You're marrying Professor Malfoy?" He repeated.

I looked up at him this time. "Yeah. This coming February."

"You never told me that." He frowned, taking a seat across from me.

"It's not a secret. I talk about my fiancé to you all the time. I'm fairly sure I've said his name before." I thought back at my most recent conversations with the boy and dropped my quill on my desk, disregarding the test I was marking.

"You haven't mentioned his name. I would've remembered if you said you were marrying my Potions professor." Frankie nodded to himself while talking to me.

I sighed. "I'm sorry for not telling you that I'm marrying your Potions professor, but mate, I don't see the big deal here."

"The big deal where?" Both Frankie's head and mine whipped towards the door. Kayden flew through the door and smiled at Frankie's new hair change. "That's wicked, Frankster."

"Thanks, Kayden." Frankie responded.

Turns out, Frankie is a Metamorphagus and can change his hair at will. We don't know how he particularly got this skill — 'we' being Minerva, Hermione, and I, when I asked about it —but apparently he's had it all of his life.

That's why his parents didn't expect anything different when the owls came to the door to deliver his Hogwarts letter.

His hair — usually a soft lilac colour that ruffled around his head and gave him a bit of a fringe — was now a vibrant shade of hot pink that spiked up like he put hair gel in it to stay in place.

Frankie told me that when he was born, he was bald — as are most babies — and the day after he came home from the hospital, he grew hair the shade of a fiery orange.

Then it changed to black, then chestnut brown, then sky blue, then neon green, then so on, and so on over the years.

When he came to Hogwarts, it was his lilac shade. Ever since yesterday, it was hot pink.

"No problem. Anyway, what's the problem?" Kayden pried, crossing his ghost-like arms.

"Frankie, here just discovered I was marrying Draco in February." I exposed.

Frankie looked to the side and then back up at Kayden.

"Does someone have a little crush?" Kayden teased, smiling at Frankie. "Don't worry, I get it. I mean, I've never had feelings for your dear old professor, but I have kissed her-"

"Eww!" Frankie shouted.

"Enough." I mouthed at Kayden with the sternest look I could muster.

At this point, Frankie was blushing furiously. He didn't have a crush on me, I knew this already. Kayden's playing with the poor boy's emotions.

"Fine, fine." Kayden laughed.

He was growing more mischievous as the days go on. Him and Fred are fitting into Peeves' old job absolutely perfectly.

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