T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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January 28, 1999

"Legilimency and Occlumency," I ran my hand over each spine of every book in the row I was in. "Legilimancy and Occlumency."

I repeated the words as I scanned each book, making out the ancient writing.

Eventually, I found the book I was looking for. I had an essay on the subject due for Defence Against the Dark Arts. We've been getting into the darker side of magic lately.

As long as we didn't preform any, it wasn't a big deal.

To Draco and I at least.

To the professors, it was an excuse to ask us as many questions as possible. Even Madame Pince — the librarian — asked me what I was up to today.

Once I got rid of her, I set up my homework table and started on with the books.

I have already learned Occlumency as well as Legilimency. I was trained by Bellatrix along with Draco. Snape helped too.

But we didn't have to use it that much. We only had to use it against my Father.

I picked the lime green book off the shelf and held it in my hands, opening it up.

I walked back to my empty table to begin working.

Draco had been upstairs in the Head Girl dorm getting himself ready for a practice Ancient Runes exam. The professor in that class is very strict.

I would just distract him.

I've been doing a lot of distracting lately...

I flipped to the front page of the book and began reading. I found a lot of useful information about the subject.

Legilimency is the act of magically navigating through the many layers of a person's mind and correctly interpreting ones findings. A person who practices this art is called a Legilimens. Muggles call this 'mind-reading', but practitioners distain the term as naïve.

I read more about it, learning that Salazar Slytherin was a skilled Legilimens as well.

Then, the section on Occlumency.

Occlumency is the act of magically closing ones mind to Legilimency. It is ancient, and has existed since the medieval times. It can prevent a Legilimens from accessing one's thoughts and feelings, or influencing them. A person who practices this art is known as a Occlumens.

I knew the information on Occlumency already due to the fact that I had to study it.

There was also another piece at the end of the book. That's what had interested me the most.

There has been study's that the act of Legilimency has been used to try to speak to people who had passed. This has been checked over for years and had apparently been denied the ability.

"Learning about how to get me back?" I heard from beside me.

My breath hitched and I turned over. He wasn't there.

He did talk.

He is there.

"Because maybe that's not the best idea." The voice spoke again.

"Are you actually here?" I whispered softly. The only people in the library were far from where I was. Ravenclaws. Figures.

"You can hear me, can't you?" Kayden's voice echoed.

I could've sworn he was next to me in the chair. Every time I looked over, it was empty.

"Yes," I felt my eyes tear up. "Please come back."

Dark Love (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now