S E V E N T Y - S E V E N

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August 22, 1999

"Miss Riddle, I think you're quite qualified for the job of Defence Against the Dark Arts professor," McGonagall said whilst flipping through pieces of parchment.

I crossed my legs in the chair I was sitting in across from the Headmistress. I was unaware what I should say.

She continued. "However, you are only 19. Do you think you'll be able to teach at such a young age?"

I cleared my throat. "Er- yes, I do. I think I'll be able to handle the children and be beneficial as a Defence Against the Dark Arts professor due to my experiences."

"I see," McGonagall nodded. "And what do you plan on teaching them?"

"I plan on being a fun professor, whilst teaching them stuff from the textbook. If they have any questions, I'll answer them honestly." I said, sounding confident.

That was far from what I was feeling.

I pulled at my collar. Was it getting hot in here? I'm getting quite hot.

"What did you mean when you said you would be a good professor because of your 'experiences'?" She arched an eyebrow at me.

My hands fumbled in my lap. "I want to tell them about my past in a way that won't scare them so that I could teach them not to do the same things I did when I was their age."

McGonagall nodded again. She paused. "You know that this year was a wonderful year for you to come in."

"How so?" I asked, adjusting my posture.

"Well, we don't have a Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. We are also losing staff very quickly, Miss Riddle. Many are retiring." She explained.

"Who?" I questioned, now beginning to get intrigued.

"Professor Sprout, Professor Slughorn, and Professor Hooch." McGonagall shook her head.

That was pleasant information to have hold of.

"That's terrible, Professor. Let me know if there is anything I can do." I assured, putting on my best caring face.

"Well, for one, you could be Head of Slytherin House," She said, looking up at me with a smile on her face. "And you could take the job of Defence Against the Dark Arts professor."

A beaming smile took place on my face. I laughed. "Yes, yes, yes. Of course! Thank you so much!"

"You start on September 1st." McGonagall winked.

After a couple more 'thank you's from me, and a couple more handshakes from McGonagall, I headed back home.

With adrenaline and pure happiness coursing through my veins, I headed to Lucius's old study that Draco had taken over.

I was gone for 2 hours at most, and knew it was possible for Draco to be home due to the fact that he was at the Quidditch match since 11 am.

I grabbed the side of the doorframe and poked my head in the office. Draco was sitting at his desk flipping through parchments and letters.

I knocked on the door and he looked up suddenly, his solemn face lighting with a soft smile.

"Mrs Malfoy, what do I owe the pleasure?" Draco asked, leaning back in his desk.

I bit my tongue. I couldn't tell him about Hogwarts. Not yet. "How was your Quidditch game?"

I walked over to his desk and leaned over it. Draco conjured a chair over and I sat across from him.

Dark Love (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now