T H I R T Y - E I G H T

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February 22, 1999

"Do you want to come with me back home for Spring Break?" Alana asked, slamming her empty Butterbeer glass onto the table.

The table was quite dusty and when the glass hit against it, little specs of dust infected the air.

I sniffed, batting my eyes at the sudden dust infestation.

I let her words sink in before I responded. "Huh? Back home?"

"Well, to Oliver's," Alana coughed slightly, inhaling her own bits of dust. "I figured that Jeremy would want to meet his godparents. He's quite the character."

"How so?" Draco asked, raising a brow. "Isn't he only like one-year-old?"

"Almost one," she cleared up. "March 3rd is his birthday but he can say short words like 'Dada' and 'Mumma'. He can also walk now. I was actually here for his first steps," her voice broke a bit. "But Oliver told me all about it."

I felt a heavy amount of sympathy for Alana. I reached for her hand across the table and held it tightly, trying to be comforting.

It must be hard for her, having to leave her kids to get the education she needs to get a good paying job while also mourning the loss of the love of her life.

It was tragic and I felt horrible for her.

She was upset and lost. It made me want to tell her about my plan to get Kayden back, but I couldn't. If anymore people know, it could be detrimental to the whole project.

If it doesn't work, it could give her false hope.

So, I kept my mouth shut.

"How's Kaitlyn?" Draco questioned, bringing his glass of Butterbeer to his lips and taking a hearty sip.

Alana ran her hand across the condensation on the outside of her empty glass, making streak marks. I could tell she drew a little smiley face. "She's good. She doesn't cry nearly as much as Jeremy did. Oliver's girlfriend is having a better time caring for her then she did with Jeremy."

A breath caught in my throat that I couldn't let out. She couldn't even see her own children right now.

"We'll go with you," I confirmed. "Over Spring Break."

"Really?" She raised her head from the glass and peered at us with a surprised glint in her eye.

"Of course." I said, squeezing her hand tighter.

She smiled. It was soft and small, but it was there. "I missed you guys."

"I missed you too." I sighed.

"Wait," Draco extinguished the sappy moment. "How are you in seventh year right now if you missed sixth year?"

Alana pulled her hand out of mine and turned to Draco. "Since I was away for so long this year, McGonagall heard of the news about Kaitlyn, so I did sixth year from home. When I got here, I did the exams right away and had to catch up on everything the seventh years learned. It was a lot of sleepless nights — I will admit — but I'm glad I'm graduating this year."

"Oh, me too. I'm done with this shit hole." I mumbled, taking a sip of my Butterbeer.

"I just want to get a stable job and take care of my bloody kids," Alana finished. "Then, I'll be good."

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