E I G H T Y - F O U R

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February 19, 2000

Pansy screeched as I came through the fireplace. As I stepped out, I was taken in a breathtaking hug.

"Pans! Hey!" I managed to get out as she jumped up and down with me in her arms.

When I finally managed to pull her off, she grabbed my arms tightly. "Your wedding day is tomorrow!"

"I know!" I laughed.

To be honest, I'm a nervous wreck. It isn't marrying Draco that's scaring me. I love him. It was the ceremony and all the stress of it.

Which I suppose I shouldn't be worrying about because Pansy have it all taken care of.

"And Alana is planning the perfect Bridal Shower! I'm so excited!" Pansy practically bounced all over the sitting room.

I made Alana my Maid-of-Honour and my Bridesmaids are Hermione, Pansy, and Luna.

Alana must have been planning this party tonight.

"Are they here right now?" I questioned.

Pansy bit the corner of her lip. "Not yet, but Granger, Lovegood, and Narcissa should be here in an hour or so."

"And where did Narcissa send Draco?" I raised my eyebrow and started walking with her as she led me to my bedroom.

"She sent him to Nott Manor with Theo and Blaise. They're going to be insufferable as Best Men." Pansy chuckled.

We made our way up the stairs and down the familiar corridors to my old bedroom in the Manor.

The one with so many memories in it over the past few years.

Pansy grabbed my hand and led me to the washroom, sitting me down on a chair she conjured.

"So, I thought I could do your makeup and hair. I already picked out a dress for you — and for everyone really. Alana told us that we're not allowed to tell you where we're going tonight, hopefully that answers a future question. Anyway-" Pansy rambled as she pulled out a bunch of makeup supplies.

"And what will the boys be doing?" I questioned.

I know they're meant to have fun, but I've heard of Muggle parties before weddings were men get out of hand. I don't want them getting out of hand, or us girls for that matter.

"Absolutely no clue, but I told Theo that if he lays his hand on another girl, I will chop his dick off." She smiled radiantly.

I tied my hair back and let Pansy put makeup on my face using her wand. Occasionally, she would use the brushes or sponges to blend everything finer, but she applied everything with her wand.

She hummed melodically as she did this. It was Penelope's song. Eventually, I started humming along with her.

"What's the new drama at Hogwarts?" Pansy asked as she paused her humming and picked up a brush to blend some contour.

I sighed. "There is this girl — Sally — and this boy — Frankie, and-"

"Oh! Are they dating?" She mumbled, staring at the side of my face as she blended even more.

"No," I snorted. "Quite the opposite. They hate each other."

"Ugh, I love enemies to lovers, it's like the best trope-"

"Pansy, they're in first year." I said.

She pulled the brush from my face and placed it on the counter. "Oh."

"Yeah, well," I chuckled. "Anyway, Frankie is Muggleborn, Sally is Pureblood."

"Is Sally a prejudiced bint like we were?" Pansy questioned as she picked up another brush and applied blush onto my cheeks.

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