S I X T Y - F O U R

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June 12, 1999

"Do you think you're ready?" Hermione asked me as we headed down the corridors for our first exam; Charms.

I took a deep breath. "Yeah, I think so.  With all of the help you and Draco have been giving me, I think I'll be alright. How about you?"

"I think I may mess up the usages of certain spells, but other than that, I'm fine." She mumbled.

I laughed. "Oh, please! You're Hermione fucking Granger! You're the Brightest Witch of our Age. You defeated one of the darkest wizards in history. You really think you're going to mess up on the Charms exam?"

"I mean, it sounds wonderful when you put it like that-" she started.

"Hermione, you are wonderful. Suck it up." I told her as we entered the Great Hall.

It was like a blast from the past. The room was set up just like the room where we took our O.W.Ls. The only difference was, that there was no toad-faced woman sitting in a throne in the middle of it, blinding us by the colour pink.

Hermione turned to me. "Good luck."

"You'll do great." I replied before looking for my own seat.

I found Draco sitting a couple seats ahead of where I was heading, so I took the desk in front of him.

"Are you ready?" I asked him whilst facing the board.

McGonagall and Flitwick stood on the stairs talking whilst other seventh and eighth year students filtered in.

"Yeah," Draco responded. "Are you?"

Well, I studied for technically a week straight and I went over every single book and note since my third year.

"Yes." I breathed.

I wasn't confident, but I did study.

I always did horribly at exams.

My fingers started tapping against the cherrywood of the desk I was in and I looked ahead as all the seats started to fill.

I looked around to see that Hermione was in the front row, Alana was in the middle with Ginny Weasley on her left, Neville Longbottom in front of her, and Luna Lovegood on her right.

Blaise was sitting behind Luna, Theo behind Blaise, and Pansy beside Theo.

I wondered where Kayden would have sat...

Beside me, behind Alana, across from Theo?

Shut it, Y/N. You got closure.

Move ahead.

You're taking the N.E.W.Ts today.

I tied my hair up with the hair-tie around my wrist and waited patiently for one of the professors to begin talking.

Then, before I broke down in a full on panic attack, Flitwick spoke. "Welcome 7th and 8th years. Today — as you know — you are taking part in your N.E.W.Ts, which are your wizarding finals. These will test your mind and be similar to your O.W.Ls that you took during your fifth year. The first exam is your Charms one,"

He flicked his wand and there was a piece of parchment on everyone's desk. It was face down and I was desperate to finish it.

I just want to get it over with.

"These are your written exams. You will write down the proper incantations and spell movements for each section. Your practical exams will be later this week. You may start." Flitwick finished.

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