We don't even know anymore

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Texas: How can you be tiny and depressed?

Texas: Like bitch you not depressed your compressed

N.Y: GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!! *Loading a gun*


Florida: if you could be anything in the world what would you be?

N.Y: *drunk* Uhhh... A car.

Louie: Why?

N.Y: I would actually be able to die and maybe take a few lives out with me :)

Cali: Good choice :D


Houston: Dad look-

Texas: The hell did you do this time?!


Houston: :)


Florida: Are you winning son?

Orlando: No :C

Florida: would you like face for dinner anyway ,:) (Holy shit Florida is Carol)

Orlando: Yeah ,:>


Lil' California: I wanna be a doctor when I grow up!! What about you Tejas?

Lil' Tejas: I wanna be a butcher!! And you Florida?

Lil' Florida: I wanna set fire to Spain's house and become the world's most-wanted villain of all time!! :D

Georgia: *Insert very concerned and scared look here*

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