Head cannons-? That's what ya call 'em right?

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(I put too much effort into this lol-)

Cali likes collecting flowers with Hawaii when she visits. Considering she is the only state in the US that likes him.

Florida sometimes sneaks into other states' rooms and takes something that causes mild inconvenience. Or just plain panic attacks. The only two he wouldn't steal from are Georgia and Louie.

New Mexico screams Spanish curse words often. Mostly because he's sick of everyone's shit.

When Texas is alone he'll sing a ton of love songs since he is lovesick and touched deprived boi.

Alaska has a secret pet bear that was only found when Texas walked in on him cuddling it while holding his bear plush.

PA has a decent relationship with Florida. Since the inner Philly in him is also insane.

Georgia and PA were in Philly once and got arrested and Gov had to bail them out because PA threw a whole ass table at the back of some dude's head for saying sub instead of hoagie at a Wawa.

New York likes dancing when he's alone.

All the OG 13 states love Hamilton and once Cali walked in on them in the middle of setting up a shrine for it.

Sometimes the OG 13 will go to a random river and throw tea in the water screaming "FUCK YOU BRITAIN"

Rhode Island is really insecure about his height so other states don't make fun of him for it in hopes of making him feel a little better.

IDC's name really stands for I don't care. Change my mind.

Florida will walk around in a random maid outfit at times he's bored.

Alaska can do ballet.

Washington gets scared easily and just straight sobs whenever someone scares him.

All States that do wear hats never take them off unless it's for sleep and or shower/swim time.

Georgia has an inner Atlanta that will come out when he's really pissed.

New Jersey and Florida are very clumsy and it's normal for them to hurt themselves about 20 times a day just from something stupid. Like stubbing a toe.

Michigan's Detroit shows when he is also really pissed.

When Alaska gets too warm he'll go inside the fridge.

Nebraska says some of the weirdest things. Like "Why is there a D in Fridge but not in refrigerator..."

Alabama and Mississippi get along well but not with Georgia anymore since he went blue.

The one thing Gov would really want is a hug and a nap.

Sometimes the northern states will cuddle with a random southern one when the winters get too harsh. Since it's always warm.

Georgia has a fear of snow.

Florida hates long lines.

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