Pay back a bitch ain't it? (Not finished ;-;)

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Awful gore warning btw-

"WHAT?!" D.C screamed, the two hazmat men hauled him further into the room. "We are wiping your memory. That's all." David said bluntly. This thing knew way too much for their own good, and he needed Katie felt god awful. She knew David was right for doing this, it just didn't feel right. But she knew if they got out of control it could mean the end of the country. Or worse... 

D.C was in a panic. All his plains and basic human knowledge will just go in a matter of seconds?! That's the final straw for him. He never had the idea of taking over. He really just wanted to leave but if it has to be this way, so be it. D.C changed himself into a fly. "WHERE DID HE GO?!" A man shouts. D.C changed again to a mouse. Climbing into one of the panicked man's suits. "HE'S IN MY SUIT!!! IT'S A RAT!!!" The man started shaking and running around trying to get him out.

Mouse D.C laughed as he grabbed the remote controlling all the shock collars in the lab. With one tap of a button, it fell off every single experiment. "GET IT OUT JERRY HELP!!!" D.C rolled his eyes and crawled out of his suit and ran away. "oh. It's gone." 

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S GONE?!" Katie shrieked. 

"I don't feel any-" 


"Right Yes ma'am." The men scurry off to find him. David sighed, turning to another scientist. "Sound the Alarm. We got an escapist." 

+Time skip+

California was confused as hell. Mostly because that weird painful thing around his neck was gone and his room was flashing red and white. It hurt his eyes... "Wall? Are you there? What's going on...? I'm scared." No response. Cali sighed, the wall hadn't talked to him in hours. Normally it's a tad bit more talkative. Suddenly his door shot open. "What the..." California got up and took a small peek outside the room. Some woman screamed and was launched across the hallway. Then what looked like an ax sliced her head straight off, blood spattering everywhere.  "What the..." 

"OH HI CALI!!" Alaska waved at him. "Alaska? What's going on here?" He asked walking up to the other male. "I-Is that..." 

"Blood. Yes. And I don't know... I just thought revenge ya know." Alaska shrugged. "Is anyone else free?" Alaska shrugged. "Do... Do You think D.C had something to do with this?" Alaska shrugged again, being a man of few words did pay off sometimes. Not like socializing was his cup of tea. He didn't even like tea... "He was talking a lot of crazy stuff the first time I meet him... What even is grass?" The golden state mumbled. "Is it like earth's hair?" Alaska asks. "No. It's a plant that grows from the ground outside the lab. And takes quite a bit to grow and humans get aggravated when it grows too much." Another voice said. Cali jumped, Alaska just glared at this stranger. "Nice to meet you two, I'm Indiana." 

+Time skip again+ 

D.C read what he could, then again he barely knew much about reading. Other than it was hard. But at least he was doing good. Right? Yeah... They deserved this. The capital looked down at more states, capitals, countries, anyone really that he could set free. "Let's see... Russia. Florida. Tokyo. Armenia. Ukraine. Wait- Florida!!" He slammed his hand on the flagged button. "Ya know what. Fuck this." D.C started pressing as many flagged buttons as his slow hands could. "Need a hand?" 

D.C grabbed a knife quickly aiming it directly at this stranger's neck. "WHO ARE- oh... Why do you look like me?" The woman looked back at D.C. "I-I don't know. Just put that knife down, me and my friends here wanna help." D.C slowly lowered his knife as two other men entered the room. "Oh pardon me! I never introduced any of us, I'm I.D.C. Then there's Gov and the District of Columbia." Gov did a small bow and District waved. "Well, what are we even waiting for? We got buttons to press!!" D.C smiled, maybe this could be his... What's the word again... Family? Yeah, pretty sure it's family.

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