New AU headcanons ;w; 🖐

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Each state has their own ability, Cali, for example, can make "friends" out of the Ink

Nevada is the ink gambler

The States play volleyball with Mississippi's head sometimes

Rhode Island can't really fit in a shirt

Geo likes sleeping in the cups

Florida can copy other states/countries/Capitals voices and looks

Every state can sink into the ink and use it like teleportation in a way

The States do have access to things like the internet but it's hard for them to use

Texas can Extend some of his body parts

Alaska can grow Biiiiiiig-

Hawaii honestly would be the one to help a human escape if one ever got into their abandoned lab

The States prefer to stay away from the countries and other provinces and stuff

The USA likes to stay together in their hall

D.C is a tired boi

Florida tends to just randomly flirt with everyone because he can

Florida because of his ability sometimes starts fights or have whatever state they are flirt with one they hate

Only the Capitals can leave to get things like food because they look close enough to humans

N.Y constantly begs D.C or Gov to bring Pizza

Cali has a lot of books still

Florida likes sticking with D.C, Louie, or Geo

Alaska and Hawaii are always together

The Carolina's fight over the dumbest things but North still helps South move around

Cali likes snuggling with his ink Friends, they don't really look like any person its just like a person covered in black paint

State capitals are still here

Austin plays with Texas all the time

Sacramento likes doodling

Florida can do a Narrator voice and will randomly Narrates states

(might make a list of everyone's abilities later anyway-)

Louie likes randomly moaning in his Boyfriend's ears just to make them uncomfy

The Dakotas fight with old Pipes like swords

States like throwing things through PA's hole (That don't sound right-)

Geo is a hugger

Mary is protective of the his pals

Texas will stretch his arm into Cali's room sometimes and hand him a flower or something from Mary's Garden (There's a room with a glass ceiling btw- idk what it called)

Indiana isn't a bean :O
(Sike lol-)

Florida keeps trying to get Utah to cus or something

Gov and D.C's lives were threatened so from now on they have to bring Potatoes, Seafood, and Peaches

Ok im done
Happy late easter btw-

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