How world capital meetings normally go :D

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First things first, I.D.C always brings Gov and D.C political views and stuff.

About 5 minutes in Gov and Moscow are throwing hands.

Tokyo just sits there all confused and uncomfy

San Jose is taking a nap.

Beijing and I.D.C have moved on from the fight and are talking about economics being the only productive ones

Suva is drawing

Berlin is trying to calm everyone

Paris and London are arguing

Jerusalem and Vatican city are arguing about religion

Rome and Mexico City are trying food from each other's countries

Seol left

Pyongyang is trying to kill Beijing for talking to I.D.C

Warsaw is hiding behind D.C who is recording the fight.

Manila and Lima are chatting about random stuff

Amsterdam and Dhaka are screaming at each other while holding guns, something about borders...?

The Nordic capitals are playing with legos besides Helsinki who didn't even show up, then again he never did

Tallinn is playing on her phone

Havana is dying inside while Brasilia sings Havana in front of him

Baku is sleeping too.

Ottawa is drinking milk he got from a bag as Sofia just stares at him, uncomfy


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