First Appearance (AU time also not finished lost motivation-)

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(Never came up with a name for this... So ima call it... "Real" AU. I can't think of anything ok-)

D.C stared at the paperwork on his desk. He hadn't slept in at least two weeks. Maybe three? You lose track of time when you work your ass off for a country. The fed slowly closed his eyes, why was he doing this? Why did he have to be a fed? This job is awful, no sleep, constant paperwork, little to no friends, and no respect from the people who work with you. His fist clenched, his knuckles fading to a pale.

Why does he keep putting up with this?

Can't he quit? 

D.C screams, flipping his desk. Papers flying everywhere. He was finally letting his built-up rage out...

+Time skip+

I.D.C slowly opened her brother's office door. She heard all the banging and what sounded like gunshots from his room, so when it all died down a bit she came up to check on him. She stood quietly in shock, desk flipped, bookshelves on the ground broken, broken laptop, everything... "Dee...? What happened? Are you..." She heard him mumble something.


D.C looked up at his sister, his eyes all red and puffy. "Why can't we be normal?" He asked softly. I.D.C sat next to her brother and pulled the other fed into a hug. "we both know why we aren't D.C. We're governments. It's hard yes, but we have to do it for the greater good of this country." She let her hand glide gently down her brother's back. He felt unnaturally skinny. "Dee. Have you not been eating?" She asks.

"Work first. Eat last." He mumbled back. I.D.C quickly pushed her brother off her. "I'm getting you food, Gov already hates living enough, and not eating isn't healthy." And with that, she stomped out of the room.  D.C sat there on the floor, just feeling numb. Like he failed somehow right? Surely something was wrong with him that caused his life to turn out like this? "What's with the long face? Hell, you look like you haven't touched grass in a month. Maybe two..." A voice said beside him.

The fed quickly jumped away looking at another man. White tank-top with blue squares, a blue flamingo bucket hat, sunglasses, and shorts. Wasn't it like... 30° outside? "Woooooow. Now you look like you've seen a ghost!!" He laughed, getting up on his feet. "Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Florida. And most likely going to be your worse nightmare!" The Floridian said, he held out his hand for him. D.C nervously grabbed it. "I-I'm D.C... Or well... The republican party." He never liked addressing himself as his party's name. D.C was much better. And since everyone would automatically assume he liked orange. He refused to say his name after... yeah...

"Party? We gonna hit a party sha?" Another voice said. D.C quickly hid behind Florida. "Louie! Great to see you! This is our new partner in crime, his name is D.C." Florida pushed D.C in front of him. "H-Hi... Louie..." He mumbled still in disbelief. Where did these people even come from? "Hello! Is he shy or something?" Louisiana asks. Florida shrugs, that's when D.C heard footsteps from down the hall. "Who's that?" Florida asks. Without any further warning, D.C shoved the two strangers in a closet and closed the door quickly. "HEY!! LET US OUT!!" They started banging on the door. "MY SISTER IS COMING!! SHE CAN'T KNOW YOU HERE!!" He whispered loudly enough for them to hear. Slowly the banging stopped and the door opened. "Dee, I brought you some food." I.D.C shoved the plate in his hands. "Now I want to watch you eat it. It's steak and mashed potatoes, your favorite. Now start munching." I.D.C glared at her younger brother. God was she scary-

Slowly D.C started eating, his gaze occasionally moving from the food to the door to I.D.C. I.D.C glanced around his room. "I'll send someone to clean this up, but I think you need a break, at least a week or two." She placed a hand on her brother's shoulder. Ya know... A break could be just what he needed. Didn't have to a be long one. "F-Fine... I'll go." D.C finished his food. Damn he really did need that.

I.D.C smiled. Then started shoving him out of his office and into his car. "You go ahead and drive home. See you in...?" 

"Two weeks." 

"See you in two weeks." 

+lil' Time skip+ 

"Hey, Dee! That's a nice Nickname ya know. Whatcha doing?" D.C threw his body off the couch, seeing Florida inside of his home...? "W-weren't you in a closet?" Florida nodded and told him that Louisiana and he left and followed him home. "Also this is Texas and California!!" Florida gestured to two new men. One he assumed was Texas, in a cowboy hat and his flag plastered on a shirt. California in a big beanie, plaid jacket, and a black shirt with his flag on it. He also had some pretty nice glasses. 

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