Chapter 119

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I knew I hurt a few feelings as I nearly ran from the room, but they couldn't understand, not until they saw. My smile nearly spilt my face as Romulus guided me to two cells and I peeked in. The prisoners' heads snapped up when they heard us. "You fucking Bitch!"

I stepped back as two sets of arms reached through the bars and everyone froze when they made it down. "They're..."

I smiled at Ezekiel. "A trio of vampires tried to make me into one of them. They got turned into one of me instead."

He came to my side and scowled as Amethyst blocked him from getting closer. "How?"

I sighed. "Theories and a lot of dumb luck. Romulus wasn't supposed to get turned, but..."

He hugged my shoulders. "I'm cool with this and look. Helix?"

A black wolf trotted in and licked his hands, making me smile. "If he agrees..."

He nodded excitedly. "We want to do it with you. Like the others did."

My eyebrows raised. "Well... that was fast." Amethyst growled as I hugged Ezekiel and I glared at her. "Chill..."

She huffed as I looked up at him. "Really? She listens to you?"

I stuck my tongue out at my brother. "Don't be mean. We lost half of ourselves by doing this."

He sighed as he pouted. "Yeah, yeah..."

I smiled back up at him. "I is human and looks what I did."

He hugged me to the point I felt like my bones would break and I bit him because I couldn't breath, let alone speak. That resulted in Amethyst biting his leg. "Wha-"

I was pouting as I rubbed my stinging arms. "I see why she kept you away... that hurt."

His eyes widened. "I... I'm sorry... I didn't..."

Amethyst grabbed the back of my shirt and tugged me stand between Romulus and Dominic, making them chuckle. "Fragile human... told you..."

He looked regretful. "Okay, fair point."

I walked up to the last cell and chuckled. "This is rich..."

I pulled it opened and Amethyst growled. I looked over to see her about to attack Ezekiel when he tried to grab me. "Human or not, it's no-"

I smirked. "It's perfectly fine." I knelt in front of Apollo, very human and very pissed. "We meet again."

His head moved forward as though he tried to lounge and my smile widened. "What have you done?! This..."

I chuckled and kicked him over to his side. "I only did what you tried to do to me." I slowly pulled the knife lodged in his back out. "Very nicely done, Zay. I'm proud of you."

He handed me a rag and admired his handiwork. "So much better than death. A human that can't move... didn't expect that."

I cleaned the blade and held it out to Ezekiel. "This... is your announcement gift, My Love. It seemed to have slipped our minds at the time."

He blinked as he took it and looked it over. "Is this..."

I shook my head. "We had a another forged, a little different."

His brow furrowed as he flipped it over. "'My life is yours and yours is mine, in this life and every one after.'"

He pursed his lips as Xavier chuckled. "It's not virgin steel anymore though."

I sighed. "The first one was in a man's spleen when he got it. This is so much better."

Ezekiel carefully moved forward and hugged me. "Though I think you're just waiting for a chance to use it, like the last one, I love it."

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