Chapter 70

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The school was a lot closer than any of us imagined.  Literally 20 miles and a death fall away.  Xavier grumbled about it the whole way over, her pack was none too pleased that she was so close and unable to come home.  William, on the other hand, was estatic.  His mate was a quick run away, she'd been right under his nose for Goddess knows how long now.

It didn't faze him when I brought it up, saying Violet was needed to make her comfortable, just needed to fall off a cliff first.  As we neared the place or were supposed to be, I felt like I had passed the same set of trees 4 or 5 times.  The others noticed to and we came to a halt.  "Barrier..."

Xavier pulled out a blade and marked a tree.  "5 miles and let's see what we find."  Sure enough, we came back to the same spot.  "Okay... so you guys wait here... the nine of us actually invited, let's go."

William's eyes searched the air.  "How will they know?"

Zoey giggled.  "They are casters, come on, they will be waiting."

The packs set up camp as we continued forward, I felt a weight then as it lifted as I large school appeared, shrouded in fog.  Aurora whistled.  "Oooo... fancy..."

Zoey's eyes were wide.  "This school is bigger than yours."

"You came!"

We all turned as a brown blur barreled past us and William laughed as his mate hugged him tightly.  "I wouldn't miss it for the world, Babe."

"Lilly... I hate you.  Welcome to Mooncrest Academy."

I smiled as Julia and Cedric came up.  "Thank you for inviting us, but what about your families?"

Cedric shrugged.  "They abandoned us long ago.  Funny, never knew there were others like me..."

Julia elbowed him.  "We have each other now.  All good."

I smiled softly.  "And all of us too."

Julia beamed.  "Violet's package deal... she will not be happy with us."

Cedric chuckled.  "Nope.  Lucky for us, she is up to no good as usual."

Lilly giggled.  "They really should have thought about her punishment better, having no guests means she's free to wreak havoc."

"Yeah... about that."

We all froze as the softest, sweetest, deadliest voice reached my ears.  "Uh... oh..."

Cedric put his hands up defensively as she slowly made her way over.  "So... in our defense..."

She glared at him.  "I don't give a shit about your defense.  You will get in trouble for what?"

Julia crossed her arms.  "We'll deal with it when we get there."

She slowly looked at her.  "And when one of them come for one of you?  It would have been hard enough stopping William."

She pursed her lips.  "I mean... I thought you were dealing with that already."

As if on cue, I heard girls screaming and Violet smirked.  "Not exactly in the making it better kind of way."

The humans looked confused, they couldn't hear like we could.  "Violet..."

Something crashed in the distance and her smile widened.  "I'm missing the show... how disappointing..."

I facepalmed.  "I don't wanna kn-"

Something that sounded like an explosion went off, followed by a lot of cursing.  She giggled.  "I know nothing.  I am here and that... is all the way over on the other side of the school."

Julia narrowed her eyes.  "What did you do?"  She shrugged.  "Why didn't you take me... I could have helped..."

Violet raised her eyebrows as she whined.  "You are causing chaos just fine on your own."

Lilly sighed.  "Will this make them angry?"


Cedric chuckled.  "So happy I chose to roll with you."

I blinked as a vampire brushed past me.  "Violet Dear, who are these lovely creatures?"

She tilted her head as she looked at him.  "These are my friends, Romulus.  Who let you in?  Wolves were bad enough."

He chuckled and eyed them curiously.  "Names."

She narrowed her eyes, looked at us all then back at him.  "Lilly, Julia, an-"

"Where is that bitch?!  I will kill her."

Romulus frowned at the voice.  "And?"

She smirked.  "Oh no best friend, you shall suffer the wait."

He gaped as she dissolved and he hissed as a group of kids came up.  Violet truly had been up to nothing good because all of the girls had some form of pink hair and the guys had streaks of black across what used to be suits.  They all looked like they were getting ready to meet their families.  Xavier and Aurora erupted in laughter.

"What the fuck are they doing here?  She isn't allowed visitors."

Cedric crossed his arms.  "They are ours."

The girl sneered.  "What?  Helping her out because your family wants nothing to do with you?"

He tensed.  "That's enough Delia."

She laughed.  "Why don't want them to kn-"

She held her chest and started coughing.  Romulus held a deep frown.  "Be glad you weren't allowed to finish..."

The blonde from the town tried patting her back.  "Or what?  The fact that h-"

Somehow she fell forward and landed face first on the ground.  "What the fuck?"

They all started to look around.  "What the hell is going on?"

"Children..."  They all turned to face the old man.  "You should be getting re..."  He cleared his throat.  "Ready to bring your families to the hall."

The brunette jumped to her feet.  "That mute girl ruined everything!  Look at us!"

I could see he was amused, but he furrowed his brow.  "Did she?  She was in my office earlier... maybe after..."

Lilly shook her head.  "She was here and ran off when she heard them.  She's in enough trouble as it is."

All of us nodded as he looked over us.  "So... maybe another student.  It will be investigated."

They all gaped.  "It was her!  Who else would do this?"

He shrugged.  "Many kids are sadden because they have no family to invite."

A boy threw up his hands.  "And she is the only one who can't have any."

The headmaster nodded.  "And yet her friends have brought them anyway.  She knows you are here?"

I smiled.  "Yes, sir.  She actually just left trying to avoid trouble."

He nodded.  "Go, try to salvage what you can.  Your school uniforms should do if you have nothing else."

They all gaped and stormed off, plotting ways to get back at her.  I turned as I caught her scent in the air, but she was no where to be seen.  Julia clapped her hands.  "Okay, the gang is all here except lady of the hour.  Let's go so you can have good seats."

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