Chapter 53

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I could see the despair, anger, and desperation on both of our packs faces.  Look, I know we aren't exactly seeing eye to eye, but these are your people too so a little help would be appreciated...

I was surprised as a still feeling instilled in me, though a little annoyed.  Thanks...

I took a slow breath and looked over everyone.  "For those of you unaware... there were attacks on myself and Violet last night..."

Long gone were the days of my pack speaking or responding out of turn as a deadly silence filled the space.  "We were hit seperately and..."  I bit my lip as the pain struck my chest.  "When I realized she followed me out of the territory I killed the last of her attackers, but she wasn't..."

I closed my eyes as I barely spoke above a whisper.  "She wasn't there.  Evidence suggests she was pushed over a cliff."

Sounds of outrage cascaded on my ears and I clenched my jaw.  "Enough."

They quieted and I looked at them again.  "We have been unable to locate her or her body.  As it stands, we are searching every crack and crevice to bring Violet home."

I could see the rage and the tears, both packs were impacted as both loved my mate.  I sighed.  "In the mean time... we will do as she would want us to, which is to keep pushing forward.  That... is far easier said than done, but it would be disrespectful to allow all of the work she put in to go to waste."

I took another slow breath.  "We will have squads put together that will search in shifts, the hospital will be prepared to assist her in whatever condition she returns to us in.  Otherwise... trainings, engagements, our missions... they all remain the same."

I lowered my head.  "We can at least do this much for the girl we all love."

Their heads followed and a heartbreaking sadness swept through the room.  We stayed silent for some minutes before I looked at them again.  "Go home... hold your loved ones close.  Tomorrow, we push forward."

I turned my back on them and went to the back.  I took a shaky breath as I sank into a chair and dropped my head into my hands.  This pain never ceased... it was all consuming, making it hard to focus.  "Good job putting on a brave face."

I shook my head.  "Not right now, bloodsucker."

He snarled.  "This is your fault... if you wouldn't have ran she wouldn't have followed."

I didn't have the energy in me to argue.  "You're right... it is..."

I could feel he was standing over me and part of me wanted him to just end it.  End the pain I was feeling and put me out of my misery.  "You never deserved her.  Not now... not before."

I licked my lips.  "But it is me she chose, isn't it?"

I didn't even struggle as he held me in the air by my neck, eyes a crazed red.  "I should ensure you don't allow this to happen again."

We both fell to the ground as he yelped in pain.  "Bad move, leech... very fucking bad move."

Xavier walked over to us slowly as I sat up.  "She..."

Her brother knelt to meet his gaze, dead serious.  "Promised to make you die a slow painful death if you touched what is hers... you think I won't deliver on that promise?  Dead or alive?"

His back arched as pain lanced through him.  "Be happy I get where your coming from, but don't let it happen again."

The vampire collapsed motionless as he stared at the ceiling.  "She didn't deserve this... she was too good... her heart too pure."

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