Chapter 118

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I groaned as I woke up.  "I'm not gonna keep doing this shit.  What now?"  I paused as I glaced around when I sat up.  "Uh..."

I slowly stood, where ever I was, it was dark, like probably pitch black to someone who couldn't see like I could.  I pursed my lips.  "So who do I ask if I'm dead?"

I was met with silence and looked among the trees.  There were people, different kinds of people just sitting or standing, looking lost, terrified, or vacant.  I approached one and they did nothing as I knelt in front of him.  "Strange..."

I looked up at the sky, no stars or moon in sight.  "So, this sucks as a joke."

I felt nothing, just the stillness around me and frowned.  "Okay, maybe I'm really dead this time."  I touched my chest, I wasn't afraid though.  In fact, I was comfortable, nothing of what I felt mirrored what these people were feeling.

I walked around them, wolves, vampires, shifters, strange things with wings and I had to stop to look at the first one I got to.  "What in the actual fuck?"

I huffed and kept going until I recognized a face.  I jogged up to him, he was staring vacantly as I looked at him.  "You're the one from the car crash.  The one I..."  I slowly looked around.  "You've got to fucking kidding me.  I was a human, can't exactly lose all of my humanity dammit."

Again, nothing responded and I dropped my head as I sighed.  "This is so fucked up..."

My head snapped up as I heard something and strained.  Someone was crying.  I stood and followed the sound to find a little girl with red hair weeping on the ground.  "Uh..."

Her head whipped up.  "Who's there?"

It took me a second before I realized that she probably couldn't see and tried to call on fire.  I sighed when it didn't respond.  Nothing was here except darkness.  I thought for a moment as she looked around frantically and touched my chest.

I focused on Light and smirked when it began to make my skin glow.  "That's cool."

The girl looked at me with wide eyes.  "Wha-"

I knelt to her level.  "Why are you sitting here crying in the dark?"

She sniffed.  "I can't find the way out..."

I arched a brow.  "Well crying about it isn't helping, Kid."

She pouted.  "I can't see.  It's so dark."

I glanced around.  "I guess..."

"You're not scared."

I scoffed.  "No."

Her tears stopped which was a relief.  "Why?"

I sighed as I glanced around, actually very comfortable.  "The darkness has always been my friend.  I know it and it knows me.  It is nothing to be afraid of."

She frowned.  "When it doesn't touch you, I'm sure."

I chuckled as I cut the circulation of light from my hands.  "You're wrong.  It is as much apart of me as the light you don't fear, Little One."


I shrugged and let it flow again.  "It has always been."

She seemed to relax and for some reason I felt a connection to this girl.  "I'm Kataleya.  What's your name?"

I thought for a moment, not really partial to telling her.  "How did you end up here?"

She frowned.  "Your name."

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