Chapter 34

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The packs guided our newcomers to the clearing and I could feel Ezekiel's anxiety.  I laced my fingers through his.  "What's wrong, Love?"

His eyes were hard as he looked at Minerva.  "Your mother has suspicions..."

I followed his gaze.  "Which were?"

He met my gaze and softened.  "After the Run... Alastair needs some air."

I tilted my head.  "Not if he will draw blood in the process."

His eyes turned red.  "I can behave for that long at least."

I giggled as gasps sounded below.  "Promise?"

He smiled softly as he stroked my cheek.  "Only for you."

I rolled my eyes.  "Good boy."  He growled, which only made me laugh harder as I turned to the people below.  "Tonight is the new moon.  For those who are new to us..."  I gestured to my mate.  "The voice you heard is Alastair, Ezekiel's wolf.  My wolf's name is Amethyst, who will explain to your wolves how this is going to work."

Looks of awe and distress could be seen for our newcomers, but I brushed it aside allowing Amethyst to speak.  "Welcome to the wolves who have come."

She smirked as the elder rogues moved restlessly.  "It seems your wolves recognize me... good.  Twice a month we run as a pack, if any of you decided to cause disruption, you will be dealt with."

Alastair came to our side.  "We do this to become stronger as a pack.  If you have any problems with that, then I suggest you not participate."

My wolf's heart warmed as he took our hand, making me roll my eyes.  "If there are no questions..."

We began to shift and we both howled towards the heavens.  "Let's run."

Almost everyone shifted as Alastair's voice swept over them, almost.  Our wolves thought nothing of it as they sped off, playfully nipping at each other until everyone fell into their places.  Then, we picked up speed, leading our packs along the perimeter of our territory.

As always, it was peaceful.  I could feel even as two packs we could work as one.  Those who chose to come even found a place among us all, I felt nothing out of place.  Yet, I could also tell who refused to join us.  It didn't surprise me, but Ezekiel being on edge gave me reason to be concerned.

Ease your mind, My Love.

I looked over at the black wolf beside us.  How do you know its not at ease?

Ezekiel chuckled.  I can't feel you... but I am learning to read you.  We are safe for now, just enjoy this.

I sighed and closed my eyes as a small smile played on my lips.  Whatever.


I always loved the Run, from the first time it was just me and William with her pack.  I knew my anxiety over Violet's grandmother would weigh on her mind, but I didn't want it to ruin this.  It always amazed me the way two packs could act as one, both Alphas leading, neither fighting for dominance.

I could feel Alastair's love for Amethyst, but just like Violet her reactions were subtle.  It never fazed him, he could often tell how she was feeling even when she seemed to give nothing away.  I wanted that for us and came to accept I relied too much on just knowing how Violet felt most of the time.  I knew Violet set aside her worries as the silver wolf beside me seemed less tense. 

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