Chapter 12

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I walked in and looked around the living area, Violet and Apollo were drinking alone. "Where's your brother?"

She gave me a cool look. "Why do you think you can walk in asking questions at... 3 in the morning?"

I frowned. "How much have you drank?"

She held her glass up to me. "Enough."

I could see the pain and anger in her eyes. "Can we talk?"

She pursed her lips. "Sure, Apollo as much as we've enjoyed your company, are you in any condition to make it home?"

He glared at me. "I'm fine and impressed, you still seem quite sober."

She sighed. "Fire happens to be one of my closer elements, it burns the liquor quickly."

He smiled. "If you need me."

"I'll let you know."

I watched him go and turned back to her slowly. "Drinking with bloodsuckers now?" She stayed silent and I sighed, my jealousy would do me no good right now. "Sorry..."

She gestured to the couch across from her. "Talk."

I sunk into the cushions. "You're hurting..."

She kept her expression controlled. "Usually happens when the person you love is distancing themselves."

I dropped my face into my hands. "Violet, you can't expect me to just roll with this.  She took my mate away, sh-"

"That's not true..." I looked at her in surprise. "She didn't take me away, Ezekiel.  She took the mating bond and the pull, but I'm right here."

I pursed my lips. "Okay... I can't feel what you feel or..."

She lowered her gaze. "Overlook the fact that I'm a murderous sociopath that seems to be gaining more powers by the second?" I opened my mouth only to close it again, that was true. "Exactly.  My problem is, that's who I've always been, Ezekiel. I don't see how the pull was so powerful that you just ignored any of that at all."

I thought for a moment. "I didn't ignore it, Violet.  I'm very aware of and okay with all of that, it just... I guess it numbed the fear."

She sat back and crossed her legs. "So... what do you want to do?"

My eyes widened. "What are you talking about?"

She shrugged. "You have a choice now... you can turn around and walk away or stay. There is no pull forcing you to be here."

I closed the distance between us. "I would never leave you, Violet."

She searched my eyes. "I can see and even sense your fear, Ezekiel. I can sense your hesitation at even being near me..."

I closed my eyes. "Is that all you can sense?"

She ran a finger down my cheek. "This doesn't effect you as it used to... but, you do love me. I can't deny you that."

I caught her hand. "We'll figure it out, I know we will."

Her smile was heartbreaking. "We can only hope."

I leaned forward and kissed her, the spark it sent through me made me shiver before I pulled back. "We will."


It didn't take long for me to figure out that I didn't need to feel Ezekiel's emotions to know what he felt. Watching his eyes, I could see he was upset that I was drinking with Apollo alone and he couldn't fathom leaving. I could see he was lost, the usual confidence he had with me near was all, but gone.

I bit my lip as he pulled away, noting as gold danced in his green eyes. So, he is effected a little... "We should get some sleep."

He was still searching my face, my eyes for what I was feeling. "I miss you."

I blinked at the statement. "I'm right here."

He sighed and pulled me into his lap on the floor. "Feeling you... this is torture."

I shrugged. "You'll have to learn to read me, the connection cheated you out of that."

I felt him frown in my hair. "True, but then... wh-"

"Don't forget you were marked long before it was time."

"So, are we mated still? It took me forever to get you to go through with that."

I could feel he was trying to make light of our situation and smiled. "That is completely up to you, Love..." I felt the air still. "You may want to enjoy the Season as a free man."

He grimaced. "No, I'll pass... it starts soon."

I nodded. "In the next few hours actually."

He nuzzled my neck. "Our first Season actually together, this will be interesting."

I enjoyed the hum it sent through me. "Damn her timing." I pushed his head up and kissed him deeply. "Good thing we don't need it to get things started right."

He picked me up and I didn't have time to note that we were in my room before he tossed me on the bed. "I agree..."


Ezekiel was sleeping peacefully when I got up and stroked his face. Zay...

I could feel he was wide awake. Yep...

I smirked. Aw... no fun last night?

It's too early for this shit.

I giggled. Well... since you have energy to spare...

I could sense him moving already. See you in 5.

"Damn, couldn't wait to get away could you?"

I smirked at my twin. "Is it sad to say I'm happy that I'll be getting more action than you this Season, marked or no?"

He grimaced. "I'm not ready."

I giggled as he stood across from me. "It's been months since we moved in together, Zay."

He made a wretching noise. "I'm too young for this." He sobered. "Really though, are you using protection?"

I pursed my lips. "Nope, not old enough for this conversation."

He rolled his eyes. "We're almost 18, Violet... if you two were still mated and he was his usual obsessed self, I wouldn't question it, but as things are now..."

The thought of having children period made me cringe. "Yeah... may need to consider that. Okay... so I cause earthquakes and elemental tornadoes now."

He smiled. "Still cool as shit, but let's get that under control, then you can show me the shadow thing."

I began to concentrate. "I'll consider it."

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