Chapter 80

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Will playfully growled as soon as Violet had Lilly in her arms and she snarled back.  "She's mine now, go play with your Alpha.  He's in time-out."

He sighed.  "Because..."

I clapped his shoulder.  "They are still none too happy about the cliff, I'm only assuming though."

Lilly turned red as Violet swung their arms.  "How was your first night?"

Her blush deepened.  "Wonderful... you're all so..."

Cedric gently pulled Violet away.  "Let the girl breathe."

She pouted.  "But..."

He chuckled and led them both out the door.  "Details, I know.  Too many sharp ears and Julia is not here to contain you."

She sighed as her Beta and Gamma smiled at each other and followed.  We like this group...

I smiled softly as they poked and prodded at my mate, keeping her mind at peace.  The Goddess chose humans of all things.

Xavier chuckled.  Humans whose powers rival our own.  Though one element... still very, very powerful.

I guided my best friend in the other direction.  Yes, I saw during their ritual.  This will be interesting indeed.  "What do you say to a spar?"

William smirked.  "That sounds great."  He stepped away from me as we got out of earshot.  "So..."

I sighed.  "Calming the darkness... I can do.  That blinding light... I would only send her over the edge, my hands are tied."

He nodded.  "And the bloodsucker?"

I frowned.  "He's up to something... we all feel it and it can't be good for any of us.  You've seen those three, when they are on edge."

He narrowed his eyes.  "Very affectionate.  Xavier said it keeps their hands busy so they don't kill stuff."

"Well, that bastard was none too pleased as the twins were that and drinking."

He arched a brow.  "That's her brother... since fucking birth.  Both have mates.  Even Lucinda is just amused by it, so..."

I sighed.  "Even his brother and mate think nothing of it if she touches them.  Cedric said he knows it means nothing and he is human.  Romulus was like holding her and kissed her... on the cheek, but still."

He rolled his eyes.  "She does it to Lilly too.  More to annoy me than anything now, but I know she respects the mating bond.  Lilly said she didn't start until after she knew we were mates and knew she was doing it to get a rise out of us when we first met.  Your girl is many things, promiscuous and a homewrecker, no.  Chaos personified... sure."

I chuckled.  "She won't touch Julia without her permission.  I know she does it with people who need comforting, she does, or when she is trying to bring a little mischief.  Most likely all three.  She knows she is on edge, those kids are still adjusting, now this shit with Apollo.  That vamp is as good as dead if he keeps this up."

Will frowned.  "He is disrespecting the bond, even without the pull or mark.  None of that matters, you are hers and she is yours, the Goddess saw it fit."

I felt him on the move and Will's head turned as Romulus appeared.  "My brother is going to get himself 6 feet under or... just be ash in the wind.  Either way, I need your help."

We gave him a curious look.  "Uh..."

He looked at us pleading.  "I know, you all kind of want him dead, but... if I can get him far enough away that he isn't a problem that doesn't have to happen."

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