Chapter 96

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I felt myself shaking and grumbled until I was shoved off the bed. I sat up and glared to see Violet excitedly getting dressed. "The fun is about to start. I have to meet some people first."

I jumped up and threw on some clothes. "I do prefer when you wake me up in other ways."

She smirked. "So do I, but we both know what happens after."

I ran with her to where we were going and looked at Romulus curiously. "Somewhat of a success..."

He led us out of the territory away from where I sensed the enemy and I froze when I saw a legion of wolves. "Vi-"

She smiled softly at me. "I don't believe in blind slaughter, Love. And I don't take prisoners.  Refugees, however..."

My gaze swept across them as I understood. "But how?"

She tugged me forward and the prisoner approached. "I tried... but most wouldn't..."

She took his hand in hers. "Those who will blindly follow another are not my concern. You saved who you could, quite a few actually."

He scratched his neck as he blushed. "Yeah..."

She went to stand before them. "Okay, I'm short so for those of you who can't see, don't worry because I can't see any of you who are not directly in front of me." That earned her a chuckle. "You all made a hard decision... however, if you truly seek refuge we will welcome you with this understanding... we do not bring harm to our own and we expect the same of you. If you do decide to come for any of our wolves or refugees, we will kill you without hesitation."

I watched as no one moved and all seemed sure as she turned to me. "For all who don't know, I am Violet, Alpha of the Eclipse pack. This is Ezekiel, Alpha of the BlueCrest pack. Does anyone have any questions?"

"You'll have us fight them?"

She looked into the direction of the voice. "No, you never have to shed blood if you do not want so long as you are with us. But on this night, none of you will. You grew up with and fought beside these wolves. I would never ask you to fight those that you care for."

What little tension there was in the air dissipated. "Then... what do you want from us?"

She smiled. "Nothing except you not disturb the peace we have found for ours. Many of you may hate us after tonight, but we understand that. However, those who did not come with you decided they would kill us and well... you should know what happens if you stand against another."

Everyone nodded. "If that is all, please follow us."

She took my hand and we led them to the others, packmates already waiting. "Is this all?"

She shrugged. "We spared who we could, Aurora."

She nodded. "Follow us and we will get you settled."

Zoey looked at them on Derek's shoulders. "If any are sick or injured, I'll see to your hurts after."

My chest swelled with pride as the wolves followed after them. Those who hadn't laid eyes on my mate looked curious, then surprised. Romulus slung his arm around her shoulders which got some gasps from them. "Looks like my brother's deeds were good for something."

She rolled her eyes. "He defied me regardless. How is he?"

He pursed his lips. "Refusing to eat and drink. Being stubborn. Still pissed."

She sighed as the last of them passed. "He will get over it or move on. So, you won our bet."

He smiled. "I did and I shall have fun with it. Vampire! Black Magic! Shock and awe for everyone until they are dead."

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