Chapter 100

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Romulus slid into the chair beside me, pissed.  I leaned my head on his shoulder.  "Still not coming out?"

He glanced at me.  "Oh he got out... then said he's going ahead."

I looked up at him and laced my fingers through his.  "You had entirely too much fun yesterday."

He sighed as I pushed at the darkness clouding his mind.  "Yeah, but it was fun."  He frowned.  "Still lost..."

He tensed.  "Relax and let go.  It'll only make you do reckless things."

He released a slow breath and his eyes cleared.  "Thank you."

I nodded.  "Eat, we will tackle the fool that is your brother later."

He rolled his eyes.  "He's out and going to the territory, he'll fall back into step when he gets some blood in his system."

Ezekiel looked between us.  "Did you ju-"

I smiled at him.  "Feels completely different, but yes."

Aurora turned to me.  "Different?"

I glanced at my twin.  "Let's not, but if Peter ever discovers he has powers... may need to try it out."

She pursed her lips.  "How do you have yours?"

Romulus thought for a moment.  "Not sure.  When my siblings were locked away for a time eventually I noticed that the shadows would react if I was angered.  So, I tested light as well and it has been that way ever since."

I sat back.  "But your brother can't?"

He nodded.  "Nor my sisters."

Xavier crossed his arms.  "Strange..."

I shook my head.  "The Goddess never takes away something she has gifted, but like us, it can remain dormant until she sees fit."

He looked at the ceiling.  "So, she trusted you to be able to have yours again.  Then... that makes sense."

Romulus smiled.  "I am overjoyed and loved being able to use it last night, but when others are around... I refrain."

Ezekiel swallowed what was in his mouth.  "Why?"

He sighed.  "We knew the cost of turning... if they knew that, they'd lose what little mind they have left.  They are incredibly jealous if you haven't noticed."

I pouted.  "At least you can use them to their full extent.  Losing my humanity just doesn't seem fair."

He looked at me.  "Would you though?  In theory, you could lose it if any of the powers took over.  Darkness is no better or worse than the others."

I shrugged.  "Just using i-... well that happened with Light too, so not sure.  Not willing to test that or killing humans though."

He nodded as everyone finished eating.  "Understandable.  Let's go home."

I smirked and fell into his lap.  "Your turn."

He chuckled and scooped me up.  "Keep gloating like this and we all may kill you."

I snickered.  "Admit it, you all love carrying this body around."

He rolled his eyes.  "Or we know you will literally lay there and let it waste away."

"Exactly, you guys wouldn't know what to do if you couldn't lay eyes on it again."

"So... do you make it a habit for your pack to carry you around?"

I craned my neck up.  "Depends on my mood.  I tell them not to touch me most of the time.  How are you, Charlotte?"

Even I had to admit, she looked a lot better.  "Good, like I can breathe again."

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