Chapter 32

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"This... is dangerous. I can't let yo-"

"You're not letting me do anything."

Apollo sighed. "You're putting yourself at risk."

I nodded. "Well aware."

He frowned. "Why? Why does this matter to you so much that you would risk your life? The lives of your pack as well?"

I glanced at the door. "It's their choice... it's your choice. We know the risk, we aren't new to this. We will not sit by as others suffer."

He closed his eyes. "And your mate? What does he have to say?"

I raised my eyebrows. "What can he say?"

His eyes were red when they opened again. "If he cared anything about you. He would not allow this."

I pressed my lips together. "I do not need his permission to do anything, let alone what I feel is right. You want to know where he stands? By my side, fighting with me. The question is where will you?"

He opened his mouth to speak. "Apollo, you chose to swear yourself to me. That was your choice. You can choose to not be apart of this, for your coven not to be a part of this."

I looked at the door again. "With this much at stake we don't have room for doubts or hesitation. You stand with us or you stand aside."

He clenched his jaw. "If you were mine... this wouldn't be up for discussion."

I shrugged as his eyes widened with realization. "I'm not... nor will I ever be. You swore yourself to a soul that can't be tamed, to someone who would risk their own safety for that of others. That's who I am... that's who I've always been."

He shook his head. "That's no-"

I chuckled. "You said exactly what you meant. I told you before... you owe me no debt. You can walk away whenever you see fit and face no consequence."

He looked around aimlessly searching for words. "No... I stand with you, but don't think I won't do my damnedest to protect you."

I nodded. "Then, I suggest you go back in there and see where you fit in the grand scheme of things."

He stood for a moment as I turned away to walk to a window. "Yes, my Alpha."

I took a breath when the door closed behind him. "If you want to be more effective at spying... we can teach you."

I didn't turn as William emerged from his hiding place. "You knew?"

"We've always known."

He sighed. "Well damn, I was hoping he'd try to kiss you or something... gave me a reason to ease Ezekiel's mind."

I chuckled. "You wouldn't have had the chance."

He came to stand beside me. "So... about this training..."

I looked over at him. "You understand what it does to you, every time you toy with shadows?"

He nodded. "They have a way of seducing you."

I tilted my head from side to side. "Shadow work... playing with darkness in general comes at a high risk."

He sighed. "Easier to lose yourself... your humanity. I saw it first hand when you were snapping at the slightest offense."

I pursed my lips. "Yeah... that..."

He bit his lip. "Something about it though... it's like..."

I smiled softly. "It knows you and you know it. To think another is so aligned with darkness is as baffling as it is comforting. And it is dangerous, the more you become familiar with it the more it becomes a larger part of you."

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