Chapter 117

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I recognized where we going and howled. Violet's vampires raced past us, knowing the way as well. All of us had been on edge since I woke and sounded the alarm.

It ripped my heart to shreds to think she left without a word, but when we couldn't find Romulus, I knew that was why. I prayed he was alive as the castle came into view and the vamps ahead snarled. There were others and when I saw ours beginning to fight them, I knew the were hellbent on letting Apollo have his way. Nyx let us be there in time and have fun with our gifts.

A familiar peace wrapped around me, but it felt different, unsure. I have a feeling that's a huge 'not really sure how this will go'.

I shook the thought as we ripped through some, surprised when the didn't bleed.  No, this is how they are...

I got a few more and jumped back as balls of fire whipped past me. Casters came?

I glanced back and smiled. Everyone that was able to put up a fight followed without us knowing.  Still the enemy was feirce and far different than what we've faced before.

My head whipped up when silver fur flashed past me. Amethyst...

She tore through some of the enemy, never slowing her pace. The wolves that came within her guarded her back, keeping up to make sure she made it to her target. Violet...

I moved to follow, but my way was blocked. Fuck them... Fuck this...

I attacked relentlessly, but for every one we killed they seemed to multiply. A countless amount of vampires... that's what Apollo had signed her into and now... he dies with them.

I grimaced as I felt a wet nose nudging my face, but smiled when a large white wolf with violet eyes whined at me. "Amethyst..."

I sighed and took a look at what held me. "Iron..." I took a breath and focused on the chains, heating them until they were red and my ankles and wrists burned, pulling when I thought they would give.

I beamed when they did and almost hit the floor when I tried to get up. I looked up guiltily into eye almost the same grey as my own. "What do you need me to do?"

I looked at the ceiling. "Get me to the roof. I would like to see the sun rise."

His grip tightened on my arm. "Are you sure?"

I smiled at him. "Positive."

He lifted me up and carried me out. A couple of vampires lay dead at the door. "Impressive..."

I chuckled and reached out to pet Amethyst. "She is fierce and brought strays. Are you cheating on me?"

She huffed and ran ahead. I pursed my lips as it sounded like metal ripped apart. "Not liking this human thing. I feel so unaware. It sucks."

Romulus chuckled. "Aw... but look at how cute you are."

I tried to bite his finger as he pinched my cheek. "Shut the fuck up." We made it to the roof and he sat me so I could see the chaos below. "All this death... for what?"

Romulus watched with me frowning. "Selfishness and blindness. We'll protect you... just don't die."

I saw where Apollo was closing in on Ezekiel. "It is not my intention."

I closed my eyes and focused on the power I used the least. Please... let them all be safe. Whatever happens to me.

A yelp escaped me as I was rammed from the side. "Worthless mutt... leave us alone!"

I rolled to my feet, growling. I smelled her on him... in him and it made me see red as I attacked. He drank her blood...

He was fast, much faster than his lackeys, but so was I as I dodged his blows and he evaded my teeth and jaws.  Finally, I got his shoulder in my jaws, but again was tackled and sent flying. "Why are you fighting so hard for her?!"

I got to my feet, snarling with every breath as I looked at Renée. I jumped back as I felt another attack from the side. "She's nothing... nothing compared to what we gave you!"

I glanced between the three. Well... A growl sounded beside me and Will stalked up, glaring at them. Thanks man.

He glanced at me. Let's kill these bastards. Violet is waiting.

I nodded and we went for them. Even with two of us and it was proving difficult. Just have to hold them off until sunrise.

I opened my mind to any I could. Keep these bloodsuckers outside. What we don't get, the sun will.

I felt the determination around me as the fight continued. These vamps liked to hit from the side as I was hit again and felt ribs break. I held in my yelp, growling when my throat was grabbed. "You're corpse will be a lovely present for her."

I struggled as his grip tightened and I couldn't breathe. Then he froze. I got out of it as surprise flashed across his features, somehow he couldn't move. I backed away alarmed as he began to glow. "What is this?!"

My head snapped to Abigail, who was stuck and frozen too. What the fuck?

Suddenly, a blinding light flashed over us all and I looked at the roof of the castle where it came from. Violet...

Again, I tried to get to her, but apparently the rest of the vampires were not impacted. I snarled, ripped through them, and glanced at where the trio stood. She comes first...

I fought my way to the door until I heard a scream behind me and saw Xavier shoving a knife deep into Apollo's spine. "Be glad you are not mine to kill, but this will do for now."

He crumpled to the ground and ran toward me. "Let's get my fucking sister."

I nodded and we killed any that stood in our way. Some of ours stood, blocking the door and quickly stepped aside as the sky began to lighten. No...

Xavier cursed. "I don't know the way, but I be damned if she burns." I agreed and we ran through the castle. I felt relieved when I saw dead bodies we could follow.

We followed them and I couldn't help but chuckle. Amethyst did well...

Finally, we made it to the roof as the first ray of sunlight was cast over the scene, but it was nothing compared to the light in front of me. We tried to get to her, but the wolves jumped on our way, growling. They were ready to kill to protect my mate.

We took a step forward only to be knocked back by a strong force as the sun made its appearance. I tried to catch the wind that was knocked out of me and scrambled to my feet. The light was gone and I didn't see my mate anywhere.

Xavier walked past me towards Amethyst who was calmly laying on the ground. She growled when he got close and he scowled at her. "Go to hell and move."

I went to them to see she was laying on a very pale Violet, baring her teeth at us as we drew nearer. I reached for her mind. Please... she is my mate too and if she is alive, she needs to rest.

Her eyes narrowed at me as the other wolves surrounded us. The girl beneath her sighed and Amethyst licked her face as she nuzzled her fur. "Really? She can't be out here if..."

Xavier froze and looked at the sky, wide-eyed. "If she's a vampire?" Our heads snapped behind us at the voice. "If she was... you would be right, but there are far less in this world after tonight."

My heart stopped as Romulus walked past us. He's human?

I watched as he knelt to stroke my mate's face. "Thank you. Sleep well, My Friend." He scratched Amethyst's jaw. "Let me take her, I am far less likely to break the fragile human."

She huffed, but got up. I glowered at her. We wouldn't break her.

She glared at us and turned her nose up as she followed them into the castle. "Really?" I looked at Xavier who was fuming. "Really? I'm not below killing our other twin, dammit."

I shook my head as we trailed after them. I'm so lost right now. Amethyst won't let us near her and... a vampire just became a human. What the hell is going on?

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