Chapter 91

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"... danger to my Alpha."

I clenched my fists.  Put him down and let him be on his way, Apollo.

He didn't even turn his head.  "I will not stand by as you put yourself in danger."

I stepped forward for Romulus to appear before me.  "Let m-"

I flared my nostrils.  "No, he doesn't seem to understand what we have going on here."

Stepping into his shadow, I came out of Apollo's and kicked his knees in.  I growled when he still didn't drop the messenger, grabbed his head and chin, then swiftly pivoted them to break his neck.  His body crumpled to the ground and the wolf looked at me fearfully.  "I... I..."

I stepped forward.  "You are no longer suited for this job..."  I glanced into a shadow and one of my wolves appeared.  "Take that and deliver it to Luke, Alpha of the BlackCrest pack.  Be discreet."

He bowed his head and stunned the poor messenger before taking the letter and doing as he was bid.  "What do you want me to do with them?"

I frowned and looked at Romulus. "Your brother and him will be neighbors.  Take them to the dungeons and you better make for damn certain they can't escape."

He nodded.  "Of course."

I licked my lips, taking deep breaths to calm my rage.  I couldn't blame this on my powers, I knew if this had been before the old man's little session... both would be dead.  "The messenger... I understand, but why you won't let me end that..."  I took another breath.  "I can't go back like this.  Amethyst... what do you say to a run within our barrier."

We began to shift.  Gladly...

She took off and we enjoyed the wind in our fur.  Closing my eyes, I began to meditate.  Apollo was getting in the way, but if my understanding was correct, sending him away would only make him worse.  I need answers...

His obsession was troubling at best, about to get him killed at worst.  Had he never found a mate or...  I want to know... will you let us see?

Suddenly, I felt like was falling and allowed it to happen.  When I opened my eyes, I was in a ballroom of sorts and looked around curiously.  "Wisteria... there you are."

I looked up at people I knew to be my parents and the woman spoke next.  "Where is Azure?"

My head tilted as I felt for my twin.  "Not far."

The man frowned.  "Where is he?"

He was beside me the next instant.  "Right here, Papa."

I smiled at him.  Success?  "See... not far at all."

Our father glanced between us.  Yup, those royal bullies won't know what hit them.  "What were you doing?"

Azure sighed.  Good. Shall I...  "I was hungry and went to find food, but it's all yucky stuff."

I turned to him.  Keep them busy for me.  "I'll find us something."

I gave neither parent time to respond as I went into the crowd.  Now... let's see...  I found his trap and shook my head.  "Too obvious..."  I quickly repositioned it and melted back into the crowd.  Strolling over to the food, I saw he wasn't lying and looked around.

I found what I was searching for and started to climb the tree, quickly plucking three apples before descending.  "You know... that makes you a thief."

I slowly turned to meet deep brown eyes.  "Would you like them returned?"

His eyebrows arched.  "You can't pos-"

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