Chapter 33

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"I'm going to kill you."

Xavier scowled at me as we set up tables.  "Sorry for fucking caring."

I huffed.  "You got Ezekiel involved?  Ezekiel?  Why not just remind me?  No... you went and put my mate on fucking edge."

He smirked.  "Good, now I know it will get done."

I gaped.  "It's my sex life you're fucking with here.  I never stopped you."

He deadpanned me.  "I may have been promiscuous, but I was safe doing it."

I rolled my eyes.  "I really hate you right now."

He slowed.  "Did he deny you?"

"No, it was just... awkward as fuck with the whole concept floating around."

A slow smile spread across his face.  "Good, see mom or another doctor tomorrow.  Birth control won't hurt you."  I grumbled.  "What was that?"

I sighed.  "I went today... or we, Ezekiel didn't trust me to go alone."

He chuckled.  "Smart man, bet he'll make sure you take the pill on time, everyday."

We moved over to set up the sound.  "No, pill.  Got the little bar thing."  I grabbed his hand and slid it across me bicep.  "See..."

He raised his eyebrows.  "At least you can't forget."

Again, my eyes rolled.  "Kiss my ass."

He made a face.  "That's his job."

I looked over at where some of the new people were trying to help out.  Their adults were watching in clear disapproval.  "I guess.  What on earth could they have against this?"

He followed my gaze.  "The lack of lesser wolves took the other pack a while to get used to.  Maybe that."

I shook my head.  "Why come if they are so against us?  They've already annoyed the shit out of the vampires."

Xavier looked behind me, I didn't miss how Apollo went back to acting as my personal unwanted shadow again either.  "Because we are tainting their young."

I pursed my lips as I looked at the horizon.  "It's almost time.  It's a new moon tonight."

He beamed.  "That always lifts everyone's spirits.  Let's get this done."

I smiled.  "Yeah... so... Lucinda..."

He frowned.  "I hate that I don't know her real name."

I giggled.  "You feel Ezekiel's pain, but she... she seems happy here.  That's a good thing."

He looked over to where she was laughing as she helped with decorations.  "Yeah... the kids are too, still not talking though."

I shrugged.  "You grew up with me.  It shouldn't bother you, they will when they know they are really safe."

He sighed.  "Sooner better than later."

His sadness broke my heart.  "What do you need me to do, Twin?"

He looked at me curiously.  "What can you do?"

I shrugged.  "The less you know..."

He bit his lip.  "Nothing that will scare her away."

I nodded.  "I can do that, but... I will need to leave, alone if I want to find what I need."

She looked up at us and quickly looked away.  I never missed how one moment she seemed hopeful only for it to die on the next thought.  She was reminding herself why she was here, she couldn't rest until we solved her problem for her.  "What about Ezekiel and Apollo?"

I thought for a moment.  "Life was a lot easier not too long ago... I'll think on it.  I just need to see what I can find first."


"This is simply a disgrace."  I continued to help with the tablecloths, ignoring the old woman following me.  "You call yourself an Alpha, doing the work of the Omegas."

"We don't have such a thing here."

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding as Alicia approached.  "What do you mean?"

She smiled as I took the tray she was holding.  "No one is better than the other.  We all do everything together."

I heard as the woman huffed and quickly made my exit.  "And wh..."

I looked at where the twins were talking, I could tell by Violet's expression she was contemplating something I probably wouldn't like.  I sighed thinking about how I had to drag her to see a pack doctor and that she acted childish about the whole ordeal.  She agreed it was the best for us right now, but of course if I didn't make sure she went, it would have never gotten done.

Her mother caught me while I waited for her exam to be finished and giggled when she found out it was Violet in the room.  "She prefers to poke people with pointy things, not the other way around."

Those were her words, though she never pried as to why she needed to be seen in the first place.  If it was my guess, part of her knew even if no one said anything to her about it.  Xavier would be ecstatic about it since he was the one to bring it up.  While Violet seemed opposed to having kids, he never struck me as someone who wouldn't enjoy his nieces or nephews.

As I watched them go to take care of some business, it dawned on me why this would be so important to him.  He and Violet were born when their mother was young and hadn't completed the mating ceremony.  Something happened to where their pack was attacked and they grew up not knowing their real father or that they were even wolves.

I looked at where their grandmother stood, now with others her age, glaring as we set up.  I still couldn't understand why she was so against Violet, yet she seemed to adore Xavier.  I walked to where their mother was.  "I have a question."

She looked at me.  "About Minerva?"

I paused.  "Yes."

She sighed and finished what she was doing.  "I have no good answer for you, other than she has been that way since the twins were born."

I frowned.  "So she always hated Violet?"

She tilted her head in thought.  "I wouldn't say hate, just never approved."  She gestured for me to follow her.  "Violet has always been different.  She wasn't... how do I say this?  She's the exact opposite of Zoey now.  She rarely cried or even needed for much, advanced for her age and her brother would struggle to keep up."

I furrowed my brow.  "How is that a bad thing?"

She looked sadly at her oldest children.  "Minerva met them when they were... 2?  Or... almost and something happened where she struck Xavier.  Violet has always been protective of her brother, even now, she... lashed out."

I raised my eyebrows.  "How?"

She took a slow deep breath.  "I don't know, she never told me.  Whatever it was, it left her shaken.  Seeing the way things are now, I have to question if her powers surfaced then, in that moment.  Of course they can't remember as they were so young."

I saw as worry crossed over her features.  "But..."

She lowered her gaze.  "With them here now and our packs using the elements... I fear she may be here to cause more harm than good."

My head tilted.  "Why would you think that?"

She glanced up at me.  "After she left, Xander appeared... then we were attacked soon after."

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