Chapter 55

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After a very emotional morning, I felt... a little better.  Sharing moments with some of Violet's pack, remembering her as she was... it helped if only for a moment.  I had the bear carefully packaged so my scent wouldn't over power hers, the seamstress told me to bring something every two weeks so Zoey could change the dresses and I could put the old ones in a place that would capture the scent again.

Will came in looking worse for wear and dropped into a seat.  "Man... they are killing us in training.  It helps, but damn those men have some fucking energy reserves or some shit."

I sighed.  "Thanks for the warning.  I join in an hour."

He looked at me curiously.  "You look... better?"

I furrowed my brow.  "This morning... it helped."

He smiled a little.  "Good."

Xavier swept in without knocking and dropped paperwork in front of me.  "I'm not doing this shit.  How the fuck did she stand it?"

I sighed.  "Responsibilities of an Alpha.  I'll help you get the gist, but I'm not doing it for you."

He narrowed his eyes.  "I'm not the fucking Alpha."

I met his gaze.  "But you are the acting one for your pack until she comes home, sit.  I'll explain."

Xavier pouted.  "But..."

I shook my head and gestured to the chair.  "William better pull one up too."

He gaped.  "Why me?  You're here!"

I looked out of the window, watching as birds fluttered by.  "If we learned anything... nothing is certain."

It took the entire hour to get them to get the hang of office work.  "Man... if I knew..."

Xavier glowered at my Beta.  "Would have rethought this Beta shit."

I rolled my eyes.  "It's not that bad, we can have this stuff done in an hour, two tops.  Depends on how distracted we got.  Mondays are the worst because weekends you take off and do other things."

They exchanged a glance and glowered at me.  "You can keep this shit."

I chuckled and handed Xavier Zoey's gift.  "Hopefully it will help her sleep."

He inhaled deeply and shook it, freezing as Violet's voice started to sing Zoey's lullaby.  He bit his trembling lip.  "Definitely..."

I shook myself and stood.  "Okay... about this torture we call training."


After classes, I wrote a single word on the notepad and Lilly nodded.  I spent the day remembering small landmarks that would help me remember these halls and took special note of windows.  They would get me outside, but most were just little courtyards.  Planning my escape in this place was proving more difficult than I would like.

"Welcome back, Lilly."

I looked up to a well-aged older woman.  She looked like a nice grandmother, but her eyes were sharp as she looked at me.  "Hi... this is Violet."

She nodded.  "Nice to meet you."

I signed it back and did a little curtsy.  She chuckled and nodded for us to continue.  "Are looking for something specific?"

I shook my head and went to explore.  If this was a school of magic, then damn if I wasn't going to read books about it.  It would help the packs and help me pass the time.  I would pull out and flip through books that I thought would be interesting, but found they were things I already worked on.

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