Chapter 88

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Lilly and the others glared at me.  "We're going with you."

I frowned at each.  "No... you will stay here where it is safe."

Will stroked her arms.  "We need to be able to focus, Babe."

Lilly clenched her jaw.  "And I can help with the injured within the barrier."

He shook his head and looked to me for help.  "There will be no injured, but really y-"

"I will ride someone's shadow.  You're not stopping me."

I gaped.  "Let's keep in mind I can sense you, it will fail."

Cedric frowned.  "You're not going alone."

Romulus tried to touch him, but he glared.  "We won't be alone and we won't get hurt.  So long as our focus is on the task at hand."

He scoot futher away from him.  "We won't be in the way."

I smoothed my eyebrows.  "Look, no offense, but you're human, far more fragile than any of us.  If you want to help, help defend our family here.  The old ma... mage can surely find something for each of you, but what we are doing... Our focus needs to be there so I can bring your mates back to you."

They all grumbled and looked away from me.  "Well, I don't have a mate."

I pursed my lips.  "Then so I can return without extra battle scars."

Julia huffed.  "Fine, but we are pissed and you better believe we will be when you get back."

She stormed out and the others followed.  Xavier leaned over to me.  "So... you know they'll try anyway right?"

I sighed.  "Damn, if they didn't get the mischief from me.  I'll have the old man and Ryan keep them busy, we leave in 10."

Everyone nodded and I went to look out of the window to see the trio plotting.  Ryan, Old Man... I have 3 casters that need something constructive to do for the next 20 minutes.

Ryan chuckled.  Sounds like they need training.

I could feel the mage nod.  That sounds wonderful...

My Head of Shadows appeared at their side and spoke to them.  They looked perplexed, then interested.  Old Man, I'm sending Zoey to help with light, get your teachers on board and all casters not going with me are to train.  It'll get their minds off things for a bit.

Will do...

I shook my head and stepped forward into Charlotte's apartment.  "Ready?"

She jumped.  "How do you do that?"

I bit my lip.  "Sorry, I forget when I'm comfortable with someone.  We can go when you are prepared to."

She gave me a breathy giggle.  "Yes, I'm ready."

I led her to the others and Ezekiel wrapped me in his arms.  "You should stay longer."

I pecked his lips.  "You act like you're not coming, just a short time, Love."

He put on an impressive pout.  "Should have just had your pack join mine."

I pinched his side.  "No, now let's go before my twin kills us all."

Charlotte giggled.  "You two are cute."

I tilted my head at her.  Oh... that won't end well for her...  "Thank you, shall we?"

Ezekiel turned to his Beta.  Wanting something that isn't hers... no... she will regret it if she doesn't learn soon.  "He really is sweet... all of the men around you are."

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