Chapter 109

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I felt his heart shatter alongside mine when I took him outside the territory.  I glared at the border, placing a barrier around to protect those within as our rage took control.  Closing my eyes, I held my twin tighter to my chest.  "It's okay... I'm here, let it all go."

He wails and sobs filled the night air and my eyes snapped open when I felt something hit my cheeks.  Slowly, I opened my eyes to the night sky.  We can...


I closed my eyes, waiting for the chaos to pass.  It doesn't matter right now.    We had to get past this pain, we had to get to the next step.  I heard and felt everything that was caught up on our tempest, trees ripping from the ground, the earth cracking, thunder rolling in the skies as lightning flashed, like light probs behind my eyelids.

I allowed myself to feel everything, every ounce of all I held in.  Death surely would be better than this and yet...  "Feel it, Xavier.  It is a part of you, but never let it consume you.  Remember this as we take the next step forward."

He wrapped his arms around me.  "You won't die... I won't let you."

I sniffed as I smiled.  "I'm counting on it, Big Brother.  Tonight we rage, when the sun rises..."

He heaved as breath as we gave our emotions free reign.  "We move forward."


Finding the twins was an easy task, they were at the center of an elemental hurricane, just beyond the territory.  Several times Alastair and I had to stop to catch our breaths because of the weight of Violet's emotions.  When we finally made it I fell to my knees in awe and agony.

If I thought Aurora's outburst was chaos... this was utter pandemonium and destruction.  The skies were covered in thick black clouds, rain poured in droves as lightening and thunder raged.  Tornadoes of wind, water, and fire tore through everything,  leaving nothing in their wake.  The ground was ripped apart, trees were flying, everything that wasn't being tossed in the air was ash.  Yet, none of it touched the territory, we were still protected.

"Is it sad to say... this isn't all of their power."

I looked up at Dominic and Romulus, wide-eyed.  "There's more..."  The vampire touched his chest as he looked at the ground.  "So much more."

I couldn't comprehend.  "How?"

He looked at me sadly.  "They are on the very edge of their control, you see that they still keep us safe.  Even from themselves."

Aurora strode past us.  "Safe to say all other events are cancelled until ours..."

She glared at me when I tried to stop her.  "You ca-"

She snatched her arm away, cheeks wet from tears.  "Afraid?  Tonight is the night when all hell breaks loose for a reason.  You think they don't know?  They are not alone in this."

She ran towards them, dodging the debris and dropping to her knees behind Violet to hug them both.  That amplified the chaos as it seemed she added her own pain to theirs.  A flash of white followed before I could register and Dominic held Derek back from chasing her.  "Let her go.  She will be okay, you... not so much."

She slammed into the trio and the twins tucked her between them, adding to their storm.  Join them...


Aurora is right.  Tonight they set themselves free... feel it all while not letting it consume them.  We need the release too.

I slowly got to my feet, knowing it was true.  Okay...

When I stepped over the border and went to them, I felt calm.  Somehow, when I knelt beside them, tears running freely down their faces, they untangled themselves enough so I could hold Violet.

When she was in my arms, I felt everything break free.  Anger, rage, fear, and sorrow I never knew I was holding in.  I closed my eyes to feel it all and couldn't stop the sob that escaped.  Violet laid her head on my chest, making no effort to soothe.

It felt right somehow, despite everything being in turmoil.  It felt good and for the first time ever, I felt free.


Collectively, we heaved a final breath as we were finally drained.  For the first time ever, I felt light.  The negative emotions I had been holding on to for years finally released.

When I opened my eyes, day was breaking.  "Well damn..."

Xavier blinked his eyes open and his gaze followed mine.  "Shit... we just missed out on a fortune."

Aurora giggled.  "We missed out on several, cancelled everything before I came to join."

Zoey beamed and squealed.  "Yay!  No work!"

Ezekiel looked at us all, confused.  "Uh..."

I smiled at him, feeling the peace he felt.  "Enjoy this... bask in it.  We won't have it for a very long time."

He kissed my head.  "We made a mess."

I glanced around, torn, barren land covered all that the eyes could see.  "Oops..."

We untangled ourselves and stretched.  Xavier surveyed the area nodding.  "That may have been long overdue.  So... shower..."

Zoey jumped.  "And bacon and waffles!"

I giggled as I took her hand.  "Then, sleep.  We all need it."


We laughed and were engulfed by the packs as soon as the barrier we placed fell.  It was almost overwhelming between the hugs and years.  So, I let out an exaggerated breath when they finished.  "Now I really need a shower.  I prefer the blood of my enemies, not the snot and tears of my comrades."

Everyone laughed and dispersed as my head shook.  "Feel better?"

I scowled and looked at the voice.  "What's it to you, Old Man?"

He smiled.  "Yes, a lot better it would seem."

I crossed my arms.  "You don't know my life."

He wrapped his arms around me, chuckling.  "Whether I do or not.  I'm proud of all of you."

My chest warmed as I shrugged him off, pursing my lips.  "If you wanted a tender moment you missed it when all hell broke loose."

Romulus scooped me up in another embrace, heading for my house.  "No we didn't."

I struggled.  "Put me down, Vampire Best Friend!  I'm telling Cedric!"

He laughed and let me go.  "Low blow, Mage.  Low blow..."

I smirked.  "I'm telling Peter and Anastasia too... Hands all over this body and they were not theirs."

Xavier put me in a headlock.  "I will kill you."

I punched his knees in and we wrestled on the ground until I had him pinned.  "Say the words..."

He fought my hold.  "No, Demon!"

I pulled his leg back further.  "Say it!"

He grimaced.  "I yield, Master of Blood and Death!"

I giggled and ran as soon as I got off him.  He chased me all then way to the house and I paused in front of it.  "I like this place, but it seems a little small..."

He glanced at me smiling.  "Or... We can build other houses along the lake, so we can be closer."

I sighed, liking the idea.  "We'll work on it, when we return home."

He nodded as the others joined us.  "That sounds like a wonderful idea."

Silver Fairy (Little Alpha Book 3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora