Chapter 78

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Xavier turned to me as we neared the cliff.  "I'll take her up..."  I nodded as he gently took her from my arms.  "Be glad you're tiny, no matter the age." In all honesty, this was the most careful I'd ever seen him handle his sister.

Aurora came to his side and she followed as they ascended.  "No more cliffdiving for you, Gorgeous..."

I smiled.  "Thank you both."

Romulus appeared beside me.  "Okay, Wolf, up you go."

I gaped.  "I'll ta-"

He frowned.  "Apollo is not my favorite, but I still like him breathing.  Let's go."

I fearfully looked up.  "What i-"

The vampire frowned and crossed his arms.  "I'm taking you up.  Hurry the hell up, so I can take my mate... I may forget you down here if I take him."

I grimaced and he used it to throw me over his shoulder and started to jump through ledges.  By the time he finished and set me on my feet, my knees hit the ground.  I felt a hand pat my back as I hurled.  "Couldn't just agree huh?"

I glared as Xavier laughed.  "What the hell?"

Aurora was stroking Violet's hair, lovingly.  "Now that she is home, she'll want to deal with the vampire herself."

He nodded, slightly swaying with her still in his arms.  "Can't deny her her fun... he is responsible after all..." He kissed his sister's cheek.  "Just make sure you let me help."

I frowned, but refrained from snatching her away.  "Can you two not right now? And who will bring Z-"

"I is here!"  I whirled around as she and Derek appeared beside us, holding the old man's hand.

I glowered.  "Why couldn't I take that way up?"

Zoey giggled and Xavier knelt as she got closer.  She started to stroke Violet's face.  "Can I watch, ZayZay?"

He smirked.  "Up to her, Squirt."

She pouted.  "No, you says yes now and she beat you up later."

He chuckled.  "No go, she hasn't even broke a fever yet, so she will be plenty able to do it."

Both of them slowed, showering my mate with affection.  "So... can I have her back?  You rarely do this when she's awake unless you are up to no good."

They all glared at me.  "She'd kill us."

A slow smile spread on my lips.  "True... but she needs to rest in bed at home preferably."

They exchanged glances.  "The old house."

I nodded.  "Okay, just..."  They all pouted as I got her back in my arms.  "Come on, can one of you go ahead and get the bed ready, please."

Aurora beamed.  "Yes!  And a bath too!"

Zoey followed after, pulling Derek.  "We have to go get the bear!"

Xavier stayed with me.  "So... I'll kill you if you drop her, first.  Second..."  Romulus came to my other side and quickly kissed Violet's forehead.  "If the leech comes anywhere near touching her, he's dead."

Cedric looked at him wide-eyed and Romulus pat his shoulder.  "Not this particular leech, I'm her best friend.  My brother... who I want to enjoy his sweet torture, but him not die.  I'm on it, Zay."

He hurried ahead his caster in tow.  "Okay... so..."

Her twin looked at me and swept some hair from her face.  "He is the only one to blame that we can touch.  Lucky you."

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