Chapter 39

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Violet sat on her heels at the living room table as she looked over floor plans.  She glanced up at me, then back to what she was doing.  I turned on my heel for the thousandth time since she started and the vamps just watched, taking bets on which of us would break the silence.

Suddenly a wolf flickered into place, causing all of us men to snarl.  Violet arched an eyebrow, but didn't look up.  "Report."

He knelt to one knee hand over his heart.  "Patrols are normal, so will switch in 3 hours."

Her hand glided over the paper in front of her.  "What's not here?"

He sat as she did and his hand began to move over it as well.  "Stairs to the dungeons here, but we have reason to believe those of more value are kept in a wing here..."


He met her gaze.  "It's where we cannot access."

She nodded and held her hand out to him.  "May hurt a bit."

He smiled.  "It is an honor."

He grasped her forearm and black matter seemed to incase their arms, if it hurt, the man showed no signs as their eyes closed.  She took a slow breath as it dissolved again and nodded to him.  "May the Goddess guide you."

He bowed his head.  "May her embrace be kind."

He dissolved into nothing and Romulus leaned over to his brother.  "So... she did speak first."

Apollo glared at him.  "What was that?"

She rose from the spot she'd spent 5 hours in, not moving.  "He showed me the inside."

She grabbed my hand as she went past and pulled me to the bedroom.  "Sit."

I pursed my lips.  "I'm no dog."

She threw a smirk over her shoulder as I sat on the bed anyway.  "I need you ready for when I get back.  We will be moving quickly."

I sighed.  "I don't like this Violet."

She nodded and straddled me after she finished rummaging through her bag.  "I'll be fine... this is the easy part."

Suddenly, the room was dark as she slid a cloth over my eyes.  "What are you..."

She shushed me.  "Relax your mind."  I sighed and tried, jumping when her fingers trailed down my face.  "Relax..."  She combed her hands through my hair and held my head in place as I loosened my muscles.  I felt like I was falling and tensed, making her click her tongue.


"Trust me, Ezekiel."

I took a slow breath and the sensation hit me again until I was standing outside a castle.  Welcome the the Grand Palace, Love.  I'll show you as far as I can, what I will be doing.

I glided through a window of all things and out of the room.  Next, we're a series of halls that led up some stairs.  Again, more halls and we kept moving.  People were everywhere, completely oblivious to us being there.  This is the easy part... shadows are everywhere making it so.

We came to a brightly lit hallway.  This is where things can get sketchy... for more reasons than one.

Slowly, we moved forward, pausing when a couple stumbled into the hallway... naked.  I held my breath as they approached, but they didn't notice.  The further down we went I started to hear banging and... moaning.  Breathe, Love.  Relax...

I hadn't realized I'd tensed until I could feel myself loosening my fingers on her waist.  We came to a hard stop at another set of stairs, it was guarded and their eyes were sharp.  My shadows can't seem to make it past here, but... I can.  Look past them...

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