Chapter 76

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Knowing we were most likely going to meet resistance when we went to get our things, we assigned a wolf to everyone that needed it.  Except one very stubborn old man who wouldn't listen.  "Look I get that you think you're good, but why risk it?"

Dominic chuckled.  "I'll be fine, Young Mage."

I threw my hands up.  "Just don't expect me to come save your ass."

He nodded.  "See you in a little bit."

I scowled after him and sighed.  "Stubborn old geezer."  I went in with the rest and threw my things into my bag, luckily I didn't have much as I exited my room and went to check on Julia.  She smiled as Aurora was picking up trinkets and looking at them with interest.  I shook my head as Julia explained each thing and went to find Lilly.

To say this Beta was much like his Alpha was an understatement.  William was all over the room messing with things and inhaling the scent of the air.  Lilly, red with embarrassment, grabbed his hands.  "Can you stop?"

He grinned.  "The room smells like you and has things you like... probably not."

I leaned in the doorway.  "Ezekiel was the same way.  You get used to it especially when we get back."

She looked at me wide eyed.  "What do you mean?"

I tilted my head.  "It'd be up to you, but I'm sure he already has arrangements made for your arrival."

He smirked.  "Sure do."

She sat slowly.  "To live with you?"

He froze and was in front of her smoothing her hair instantly.  "Yes and no... an apartment close to my house until your ready."

She took a slow breath.  "But why?"

He smiled.  "Because the Goddess has blessed us with you.  You won't want for anything, I promise."

She looked at me.  "Are they all like this?"

I giggled.  "For the most part.  Ezekiel and I are very special cases."

William glanced back at me.  "Very special mental cases.  Breathe, Babe, I have nothing, but time."

She nodded.  "Okay..."

I sighed.  "You make it sound as if you don't like me... shame."

He pursed his lips.  "I'll forever be grateful to you, but you two are a rollercoaster."

I turned to leave.  "The best ride you'll ever be on I assure you.  We leave in a few, stop stalling and get ready."

I raised my eyebrows when I saw Romulus outside Cedric's door.  "He put you out already?"

He frowned.  "No... just... privacy."

I rolled my eyes and knocked.  "Wait!"

I laughed.  "If you don't open the door, I will."

He peeked his head out, glanced at Romulus, then pulled me through the small crack.  "Thank goodness your here."

I raised my eyebrows.  "And why is that?"

He bit his lip.  "My room is a mess and he wanted to come in, but... not like this.  Help me."

I giggled.  "Pack what you need and fuck the rest."

He sighed.  "I wanted to, but he said he wants to see..."

I shook my head.  "Fine..."  I dashed around the room straightening things, which wasn't much and then paused.  "This is as good as it gets... we leave soon."

He smiled.  "Okay."

I paused at the door.  "So... he heard this whole conversation.  We all have good hearing, good luck with that."

His eyes widened.  "Shit..."

I opened the door and smiled at my vampire best friend.  "Enjoy..."

He smiled.  "Lifesaver."

I rolled my eyes.  "Don't be late."

Everything seemed to be in order until I felt a sharp pain in my chest.  Considering I had no wounds, I closed my eyes and felt.  "If they don't kill you... I will."

I stepped into my own shadow into the old man's and captured the fireball coming at us.  "Vi... run..."

I glared behind me and clenched my jaw as I turned back to frosty blue eyes.  "The wolf mage... good, saves me some trouble."

"No... it just got you killed, Benjamin."

He laughed.  "Really?  We'll see about that."

I didn't dodged his flames as they came at me and they graced me with a cool kiss before extinguishing.  I looked up at the ceiling.  "Two times he has been let go... I ask that you accept his offering."

I sighed in bliss as the perfect peace settled around me.  He stumbled back as I unsheathed a single blade.  "What trick is this?"

I shook my head.  "No trick, but be glad an old man needs help or I would have made you suffer."

As it left my hand he threw up his arm to block, but failed as my dagger pierced his heart.  He fell back, coughing up blood.  "N- n- n-... no... you can't..."

I ignored his pleas, his heart would either stop or he would drown in his own blood, but his fate was sealed.  I fell to my knees and shook my head.  "This... I don't know how to fix this."

Dominic had a gaping chest wound with burnt flesh around it.  He had already lost most of his blood.  Zoey was too far away to even attempt calling her.  I clenched my jaw, trying to think of a solution.  This man saved me, he brought me here and was nothing, but kind.

I blinked as he grabbed my hands.  "It's... okay."

I swallowed the lump in my throat, if he was going to die he would do so fighting.  "No... it's not.  How did you do the thing with the blood?"

His breaths were rattling as he tried to speak, but no words formed.  I took a shaky breath of my own, closed my eyes, and hovered my hands over the worst of his wounds.  "No clue what I'm doing... but I have to try."

I focused in the blood pooling around us and tried to force it back the way it came, sobbing in frustration when it didn't work.  I beat the ground and tried again, this time with light.  Slowly, it crept back into his wounds, returning color to his cheeks and fingers until he gasped in pain.

I clenched my jaw as he convulsed and the affinities poured out of him.  I kept my breathing steady, they weren't harming me and the office would be abandoned after this.  I dug deep, I wasn't oblivious to the way the light shined when my blood was tasted.  It came from within, clung to, and surrounded me, casting out the other elements in its splendor.

I knew that was what I needed to make this work.  When I felt it I smiled.  "Please help me..."  It responded in force as I had to brace myself as it poured from me into the man dying in front of me.  His body glowed as his onslaught came to a stand still.  I counted it as a good thing especially when his skin began to knit together.

I blinked as black spots clouded my vision and I could feel my self weakening.  "Just a little longer..."  I don't know if I saved him.  I was pretty sure that I killed myself as the world faded to black.

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