Chapter 36

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"So we just ask and we are part of your pack?"

I looked up at my grandmother.  "Not exactly... no."

She frowned.  "Okay, then what needs to be done?"

Xavier slowed his hands on the sound board.  "It's not... something we can explain to you."

She softened as she looked at him.  "Try for an old woman?"

I took a slow breath and looked at the people dancing and enjoying themselves.  "They ha-"

She scowled at me.  "Let your brother explain."

He frowned.  "Granny... I don't know what your problem is with Violet, but we won't stand for it here.  She is ours... we choose her as our Alpha.  It is her place to explain."

Her jaw flexed.  "Fine then.  Get to it."

I tilted my head.  "It doesn't matter.  If you are asking to join, you have already made that choice yourself."

She huffed.  "Well I choose to."

I shook my head.  "No... you don't."  I gestured to the others.  "What you don't understand is, we want what is best for us as a whole.  Words mean nothing here, actions and what you feel in your soul does."

She narrowed her eyes.  "And how do you know that?"

I sighed.  "Since arriving here you've done nothing but try to sow discord among the packs.  You disapprove of everything that is done, especially if it involves me.  You're blatant disregard for others is what separates you from us."

Her chin turned up defiantly.  "Because you are wrong.  This is no pack, just a bunch of mangy, lost wolves pretending to be more than they are."

I glanced as my people slowed, watching us.  "And if that's the way you feel... you have no place here."  She opened her mouth to speak.  "If the next word that comes from your mouth disrespects my pack, I would rethink them.  I do not take kindly to it."

She paused.  "And what will you do?"

I met her gaze.  "They will be the last words you speak, Minerva.  I haven't made an offering to the Goddess in some time."

She stilled as the air around us got thick.  "You think you dark magic scares me?"

I tilted my head.  "From the way your voice is quivering and the sweat that is forming on your brow, I would say it does.  However, I do not need the elements to kill you.  Blades have always been my preference."

She slowly backed away and glared into the crowd.  "And this is who you choose?  An evil demon of a child?"

Both packs growled, causing her to jump.  "She is none of those things, Minerva."  I looked over at my mother as she approached.  "We love Violet.  Yes, she has her flaws, but she is strong and has a good heart."

I pursed my lips.  "You can stop now.  I like dangerous, deadly, dictator..."

My pack laughed, making me pout.  "She will get you all killed!"

I sighed.  "Whoever tries would have to kill me first..."  I smirked.  "That sounds like a lot of fun."

My antics were making it hard for my people to be mad.  "Violet..."

I scowled at Ezekiel.  "What?  It's true."

He came and wrapped his arms around me.  "They have every right to be upset.  You are theirs, she shouldn't disrespect you period, let alone in their presence."

I rolled my eyes.  "I don't take her seriously.  Why should they?"

He sighed.  "It's not if they believe her or not, My Love.  The same as you told her not to speak like that about them, they feel the same about you."

The crowd voiced their agreement and I narrowed my eyes at them.  "Don't be on his side."

He shook his head.  "Minerva... if you are not happy here, you are free to leave.  We will not harm you unless you do so to us first, but be warned.  If you do anything to bring us danger, we will kill you without a second thought."

She gaped.  "You filth-"

I growled.  "Enough.  Never have I banished anyone from my territory, but another word and it will be so.  Fall in line or leave.  Make your choice."

She froze and looked to the people she was getting along so well with earlier.  They averted their gazes.  "Traitors!  All of you!"

I smirked.  "Funny... your son said the same thing right before I put a blade through his heart."

She stopped breathing.  "What?"

I unraveled myself, meeting her gaze as I stood to face her.  "Viorel died by my hand when he betrayed my pack.  His soul, body, and that of his wolf were offered to our Goddess.  Make no mistake the same will befall you if you try the same."

She crumpled to the ground.  "Yo-... you murdered him."

I shook my head.  "He knew the consequences of his actions and now so do you.  This is the last time I will say it, Minerva.  Choose."

She stayed that way for a moment before she glared at me.  "I would never stay in this place.  Mark my words I will avenge his death."

I turned my back to her.  "Leave us.  If you come near this territory or our packs again, I will end you personally."

Toni and Ryan were at her sides instantly.  "I should have killed you then!  Look at the monster you grew up to be!"

I sighed.  "Xander said the same thing before I ended him as well... seems you will soon follow."

She stopped her struggles.  "Wha-"

Xavier came to my side, meeting my gaze before looking at her.  "Are you sure?"

I sighed, feeling the presence that surrounded us.  "She is not ours to kill... not yet anyway."

He nodded.  "So be it."

She didn't struggle as she was dragged away.  Ryan...

I could feel his anger.  On it...

I bit my cheek, I didn't like known enemies being allowed to leave and wreak havoc at a later time and the number only seemed to be growing.  I turned back to the packs.  "For those of you who wish to go with her... go and leave us in peace.  The same warning goes for you."

Slowly, as though they were afraid to be attacked, the people that were conspiring with Minerva left.  Only turning their back to shift and run for the lives that would soon end following her.  "So..."

I sighed and looked at my brother sadly.  "We keep going forward, cautiously.  They will come for us."

He nodded.  "It's all a matter of when."

My eyes swept the packs, our loved ones, our family.  "When it comes... we'll be ready."

I heard the voices of agreement and looked towards the sky.  Ray came and wrapped her arms around my waist.  "We stand with you... we stand together."

Ezekiel put his hands on my shoulders and nuzzled my hair.  "All of us."

I could feel the unrest, but somehow still felt at peace with it as I shook my head.  "You act like you have a choice."

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