Chapter 120

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I tried to waste no time to get there, but damn if humans weren't slow and clumsy on top of everything else.  "If I could kill a goddess..."

Everyone followed nearly pissing themselves everytime I stumbled.  "Calm down.  It's not going anywhere."

Finally, we made it and I quickly went to the back wall and opened it.  "Shut up."  He sighed as I ran forward and stomped through the entrance childishly when I got there.  "Hey, show me this ritual dammit."

The air laughed and I frowned.  "Oh... she really is finding this funny."

I glared at Ezekiel.  "Really?  Didn't notice."

I went for the water and Romulus caught my hands as I reached.  "You need to at least rest first."

I snatched away from him.  "Fuck that, fuck you.  Leave me alone."

The old man sighed and sat beside me.  "You're being really childish right now."

I scowled at him, my hands itching to touch the surface.  "So, you can leave me alone too."

He pulled me into a hug as he clicked his tongue.  "You know you won't get answers this way."

I sniffed as tears started to form and Amethyst laid her head in my lap as tears started to form.  "But it's not fair..."

He sighed.  "I know, but being human won't kill you for a short time... unless you keep going around and doing reckless things."

I wiped at my face angrily.  "I am reckless.  That's how we got into this shit in the first place."

He nodded.  "But... you're not a vampire, you turned 4 vampires back into humans, you went to a place we could not feel you, and you are alive.  Count those small things as blessings and we'll see what we can do tomorrow after you sleep."

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.  "I don't wanna.  It'll be lonely."

He slowly closed his eyes.  "You have three perfectly human caster friends to keep you company.  Like back at the school."

I frowned.  "I hate school."  I saw movement behind him and jumped up.  "Good.  Fix this now."

The woman smirked as her brow arched.  "You seem displeased."

I scowled as everyone froze.  "Very.  Look, I didn't kill that bastard.  I got the little girl out of the darkness.  This seems really one sided right now, dammit."

She shook her head.  "When it is time, it will be so."

I threw myself at her and beat her chest.  "No... I can't take this shit... fix it..."

She sighed and hugged me to get me to stop.  "You are too weak right now and assaulting a goddess."

Tears were streaming down my face as I frowned up at her.  "You fucking hate me.  Just admit it."

She chuckled and began to stroke my back.  "Quite the opposite."

I narrowed my eyes as I started to get sleepy.  "I hate you, how about that, dammit?"

She sat on the ground, still moving her hands.  "Maybe momentarily, but it will pass."

I tried to pout as sleep was winning.  "If goddesses can go to hell, go with Zay."

I felt lips on my forehead and a weight on my stomach, unable to fight the pull.  "None of us are going there.  Rest..."


Violet throwing a whole temper tantrum, attacking, and cursing at Nyx had us all frozen and at a loss.  Except Amethyst, who laid beside them and laid her head on her.  Nyx lovingly stroked Violet's cheek.  "You will be whole and back to causing chaos soon, just be patient."

Xavier moved forward, but stopped as soon as she looked up.  "You... this isn't normal."

She smiled.  "For who?"

He scratched his cheek.  "Shouldn't you be mad?  That was a little..."

She chuckled and looked back down at my mate.  "It is who she is and who she has always been.  No, I am far from offended."

He knelt beside them and slowly reached out to stroke her cheek.  "So... when can we got back to beating each other up.  This sucks especially since someone..."  He glared at the wolf.  "Won't let anyone close."

Amethyst opened one eye and huffed at him.  "When it is time.  Just be careful until then or this little vixen will eat you alive."

Her tail wagged as she got scratched behind the ear.  "They seemed really comfortable with you."

She looked up at Aurora pulling at her hair, watching warily.  "I've known you all since your creation."

She pouted.  "Never met you before that I can remember."

She smiled.  "No, not many do, but..."  She rolled her eyes.  "Someone would really get herself hurt if she didn't calm down."

I chuckled.  "I can see that."

Violet grumbled before opening an eye.  "Stop talking about me and what did I say about touching me?"

Nyx just returned to rubbing her back.  "No funny business this time.  Sleep..."

She sighed and closed her eye.  "Still hate you."

I tensed.  "Violet..."

"Go to hell."

I sighed as the goddess just looked amused.  "Leave her be."  We all fell silent until her breaths labored and she looked at Dominic and Romulus.  "I trust one of you can take her without breaking her."

Xavier scowled.  "I can be careful."

She pursed her lips.  "Let's not risk it."

Romulus carefully took her and sighed in relief when she didn't wake.  "No, being fragile humans is not fun."  He looked at Nyx.  "If... well..."

She smiled as she rose in one smooth motion.  "Any who choose to follow.  First, you all rest."

He smiled and dipped his head.  "Thank you.  For everything, I know it must have been difficult..."

Apparently, she had this thing with being affectionate with Violet while she was unaware too as she stroked her cheek again.  "I had to do very little with the sheer determination this one has.  You chose your friend wisely."

He chuckled as he kissed her forehead.  "That was a no brainer since she didn't really give me one.  Just very violently and mischeiviously forced herself into my life."

She laughed.  "Also, true.  Rest well, all of you."  After kissing her cheek, she was gone and Romulus walked right past us, towards the exit.  "Now who will bathe this fragile human."

Dominic followed chuckling.  "Two casters who will find this hilarious, especially when she wakes."

We all followed, now expressly forbidden from doing our norm.  It sucked, but as we headed home, I knew she was in good hands as we all learned to be gentler for a time.  The problem would be keeping Violet safe from herself.

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