Chapter 58

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I figured I would need to find a better place to read as Cedric slid in the chair beside me.  "Well, well, well.  All alone?"

I turned the page, ignoring him.  "You think you're so much better than us?  A mute girl with no powers?"

I rolled my eyes and faced him, signing.  "What do you want?"

He frowned.  "I don't understand that."  I shrugged and went back to reading until he pulled the book from my hands.  "Wait."

I raised my eyebrows as he slid pen and paper in front of me.  "Okay... now..."  I wrote what I said and he sighed.   "To talk... to warn you..."

I found this interesting.  "About?"

He hesitated and glanced around to make sure no one was close.  "Don't... don't go back to the Professor's office alone."


He was becoming nervous as he began to fidget.  "Just... I know I shouldn't ask you to do anything, but... he's bad news.  Very bad news."

"Why do you care?"

I met his gaze as he looked sorrowful.  "Because you're a good person... I saw that from day one.  I don't want him to hurt you."

I pursed my lips.  "Thank you, but it is not my safety you should worry for."

He looked at me, surprised.  "You don't understand..."

I shook my head.  "No, you don't understand, but you will... soon enough."

He sighed.  "I wish... I wish I had met you before.  I shouldn't have gotten inv-"

"Then change."

He blinked.  "What?"

I smiled softly.  "If you are not happy with how you are now, change.  If you feel you are on the wrong path, redirect.  You have the free will that the Goddess gave us all.  So... change."

He stared at my writing after I signed it out, silent.  "I don't think it's that simple."

I giggled and he smiled as I wrote.  "Why not?  If you want help, I can offer that."

He nodded.  "I'd like that... very much."


I checked the locket as I did every morning.  From what I could tell my mate was getting stronger everyday.  I wanted to know what she was doing, what mischief she was causing, who's lives she was changing in the process.  That was one thing I loved about her... every life she touched always seemed to be better after.  That was... unless she ended it.

I closed my eyes, grey ones stared back at me, constantly scheming as she always was.  "You know... you make yourself an easy target."

I chuckled, unmoving.  "I felt you before you walked through the door.  What's up?"

A sigh.  "I think... we should run the search next shift."

My eyes snapped open to meet clouded blue ones.  "Why?"

Xavier pursed his lips.  "Not sure..."

Slowly, I leaned forward.  "You feel led..."

His pout always resembled his sister's.  "Yeah... that..."

I nodded.  "Then let's get ready to hunt."

He stayed where he was.  "I... I don't know if I want to."

I walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder.  "I'm scared too, but if Violet taught me anything, fear shouldn't be what holds you back."

He scoffed.  "Look where that landed her.  She was fearless and now..."

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