Chapter 86

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"You're here..."

I slowly turned, smiling softly.  "I am, you've been looking for me."

Charlotte looked around nervously.  "I just... can you avoid my mate?  He..."

I nodded.  "Has not so good intentions for me, I'm aware.  That's not why I asked you to come here."

Her eyes widened.  "That was you?"

"Yes, the one that stroked your cheek after he struck you, held your side when he gripped entirely too hard, and the whisper in the wind that said a walk in the gardens would be nice."

She blushed.  "I..."

I smiled.  "Do you want to come with us... some place safe?"

She glanced around.  "Why would yo-"

I shrugged.  "You don't deserve this... any of it.  Also, I know that violet you have hidden away came from my mate."

She touched her chest.  "He wi-"

I chuckled.  "I can handle him.  Though, I feel Ezekiel will get that pleasure."

She looked terrified.  "You don't understand... he will attack you all if..."

I slowly approached.  "We know the risks of what we do, Charlotte.  I'm offering you an out.  It is your choice."

She was shaking with fear, but I could feel she wanted to as well.  "Why me?"

I glanced behind her.  "We don't like to see others suffer if we can help them.  However, we have company.  My offer stands, I'll let you know where to find me."

She spun when she heard footsteps and I melted into her shadow.  "What are you doing out here?"

She took a slow breath as she glanced back and saw I was gone.  "The smells were getting to be too much.  Was something in the food?"

He searched around her.  "Good thing we avoided it.  Let's go, we need to speak with the pack leaders."

She nodded as my interest piqued.  "Okay..."

I stepped from her shadow to his and kept pace with them.  Zay... I'll be with you soon.  May need to burn down a packhouse...

Sounds fun... we're blowing this joint.  Wh-

The strays are with Apollo and Romulus... I'll see you soon.

I broke away from his mind as we entered a council room.  "So, she's not here."

I recognized the Alpha.  Ezekiel already beat his ass and I broke his nose.  He can't be that stupid.  What's his name again?

He shifted uncomfortably. Wonder who he fears more... "She... came last year as her namesake."

I tilted my head as Luke did.  "Namesake?"

He nodded.  "Ice Princess... she came with her mate wh-"  Aw... he remembered that?  That was a nice dress...

Luke slammed his fist on the table, making Charlotte jump and her fear heighten.  Now, about her...  "I care nothing about him... his Luna will be mine.  Where is their territory?"

I pursed my lips.  That would be more than foolish...  "It... I don't know anymore, both packs seem to have merged an-"

Luke narrowed his eyes.  "You fear them?"

The Alpha frowned, but I could see it in his eyes.  He tried at least...  "Hardly, we simply have an agreement with the Little Alpha."

I smirked.  One that involves his warriors' heads, this may work in my favor.  "Little Alpha?"

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