Chapter 44

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I knocked on the door and waited until Ezekiel opened it.  "He's..."

He smiled softly.  "Decent, but really bad off."

I nodded and entered the room slowly taking in the man now sitting up on the sofa.  "He helped you get clean and clothed.  Thank you for allowing that."

He glanced at me and averted his gaze and I looked at Ezekiel.  "He doesn't speak much."

Searching the room, I spotted a chair and gestured toward it.  "May I?"  He nodded and I cautiously pulled it to sit in front of him.

I simply sat, watching him as his breathing slowed and he relaxed.  "You saved me."  I nodded.  "Why?"

"Because... my brother hurts."

He finally looked at me full on.  "Your brother?"

I nodded.  "He hurts and I wished to fix it.  Saving you helps with that."

He frowned.  "And what of the others."

I sighed.  "They come next, but that is a long game that I will need a lot of help to complete."

He looked around me before meeting my gaze.  "Where are your wings, fairy?"

I blinked.  "Wings?"

He nodded to my back.  "When you came for me... you had wings."

I pursed my lips.   "You were delirious.  I have no wings."

His head shook.  "I knew when you came in the room because of the light they gave off.  I thought an angel had come to grant me death, but no.  It was a fairy who brought me to vampires, then slaughtered wolves.  You killed more... after coming here, when they came for me."

I glanced at Ezekiel who shrugged.  "I deal in blood and traveled through darkness to get you to them.  No wings involved, definitely no light."

He frowned and looked out of the window.  "This light... your darkness could not touch."

That gave me pause.  "I cannot speak to what you saw, but may I have a name?"

He looked at me again.  "Why?"

I sighed.  "I can't go around calling you rogue for the rest of your life."

That got the corners of his mouth to turn up.  "David."

I nodded.  "Okay, David.  Once you've eaten something... would you like to come with us to our territory?"

I held my breath as he thought.  "What can you do with a wolf that can't move?"

My head tilted and I held out my hand.  "May I?"  He hesitated, but nodded so I took one of his hands in my own.  Light didn't come as naturally to me as it did my sister, but I knew enough of it as I filled his veins with it.

He gasped before whispering.  "Fairy..."

I ignored it and found that he was very malnourished and major muscles had been severed rendering him immobile.  "I can only do a little and my sister will see to the rest.  It will hurt."

He relaxed.  "Okay..."

I closed my eyes and focused.  He groaned in pain as I began to manipulate and rearrange, a thin film of sweat forming on us both.  Ezekiel grabbed my shoulders and I felt him helping by letting his energy flow with mine.  We all sighed in relief as I finished and released his hand.  "Now..."

He grimaced as he tried to move, smiling as he was able to do a little, but not much.  "You must care deeply for your sibling."

I put my hands on Ezekiel's.  "Let's find you something to put on your stomach.  Everyone will be waiting."

Silver Fairy (Little Alpha Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now