Chapter 11

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Xavier was entertaining my need to drown my sorrows and kept the drinks coming well into the night.  "Uh... I think you need to slow down."

I raised an eyebrow at Apollo.  "And if I don't?"

He frowned.  "My Lady, no offense, but you've had..."

I tilted my head.  "I know exactly how much I've had, thanks."

He clenched his jaw.  "You're drunk."

I shook my head sadly.  "Barely feel it actually, just not in the mood for the back and forth."

William glanced out of the window.  "He should be here by now."

I poured some more and sat back.  "He's scared, William... he won't be coming tonight."

He looked at me, surprised.  "That's never made a difference before."

I pressed my lips together.  "That is something you'll need to discuss with your Alpha."

He gave me a sad look.  "He said something happened."

I met his gaze.  "And I will not discuss it here.  So, drop it or go find him."  He frowned and stood.  "Tell him, Zoey and I will be here for the night while your at it.  To give him time to process... or whatever the hell he's doing."

He sighed and nodded.  "I understand."

Apollo watched him go.  "Drinking is not a solution."

"Don't make me kick you out."


"It's keeping me busy rather than me losing control because I'm in my feelings.  I do want the territory standing if you don't mind."

He looked at my brother who was drinking equally as much and was also not at all inebriated.  "Keeping me from killing him."

Apollo looked at me sadly.  "Can you at least tell me what's going on.  If I cou-"

"There's nothing you can do and again, we can't afford another earthquake right now.  When I'm able... I'll tell you."

He nodded and sat back.  "Then... you have quite a few back stories that you have yet to tell me."

I lifted my glass.  "That I can entertain, which would you like?"

He thought for a moment.  "Why did we ship heads to the wolf king?"

I smirked.  "Because I said we would."  He raised his eyebrows.  "Okay, okay... we held a gathering here to stop other packs from attacking us, in which, was a success."

Xavier chuckled.  "They didn't stand a chance."

We clicked glasses and I finished mine.  "However, the Warden and his son attended and well Derek stayed.  But, his dad didn't seem to understand that once he failed to participate that I was serious when I said I would return the heads of every wolf he sent to attack us."

"I was not here at the time, our pack did wonderfully in our defense and packaging of said skulls.  He got his king involved and well... you were here that night.  All because I refused to assist in eliminating your kind."

He blinked.  "Eliminating?"

I nodded.  "Somewhere in this region vamps are running around kidnapping and killing.  I set you on the task to find out who, but we are still coming up short.  I don't want them dead if it is not necessary."

"Why the heads though?"

I sighed.  "Those that fought that night were promised their warriors in pieces.  Those who didn't were promised their heads... or the other way around.  I don't know... just what came to mind at the time.  It'll just be heads... effective and doesn't cost nearly as much as bodies, I'm sure."

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