Chapter 46

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Eleanor's POV =)

Today was our last day in New York. We were going out to the park and Zoo. I rolled over, checking the time on the clock, 11am. Ugh. I rolled over again and into Louis's arms. He pulled me in, which startled me because I had no idea he was awake. "I'm so proud of you" I said. He smiled and gave me a kiss on the neck. "Louuuu, that's gonna leave a hicky" I said pouting. He laughed and kissed my check. I rested my head on his shirtless chest. "When do we have to leave?" I asked Louis. Right on cue Liam yelled "Louis and Eleanor, get up where going soon". I groaned and he gave me one last kiss. I went and had a quick shower, washing my hair and jumping out, drying off. I curled it and slipped on my denim jeans, grey jumper with a while peter pan collar with studs and a leather jacket. I went out and slipped on a light grey beanie and my motorcycle boots. I grabbed my black satchel putting whatever I needed in it and went out into the lounge room. Everyone was there. I went and sat down next to Lou who had little Lux on her lap. "Hey Eleanor" she said with a smile. "Hey Lou, hey Lux" I said smiling. Lux is one of the cutest children I have ever seen. Lou handed my Lux and Lux sat on my lap, giggling at something. "What are you giggling at Lux?" I asked. She kept on giggling, which probably means nothing. About 20 minutes later Louis came out and Stan said "Finally Lou, you take your time". "You got it buddy" Louis said standing next to him. I handed Lux back to Lou and went over and had a chat to Alex. Alex's face was tanned again but her eyes was still that misty grey. "Hey Alex, are you going to Jay's Christmas party?" I asked looking over to Jay who was talking to Anne, Harry's mum. "Yeah, are you?" she asked. "Yeah Louis and I" I said. She gave me a smile and I asked "So how long have you and George been dating?". "Well I was Union J's stylist on the X-factor and in about week 3, Josh told me that George was crushing on me and then  I went and asked him and he said yes and then took me on a date and here we are now" Alex said looking over to George who was with Niall. "Aw that's so cute" I said. She blushed and grinned. "He's really sweet and lovely". Alex gave me a quick hug and went over to George. "So Eleanor, long time no see" a voice said. "Morgan, we talked last night" I said smiling. "I know but still" she said walking next to me. Her hair was back into her waves and she had on a cute black dress with skin colour tights and brown flats. "So you and Louis hey, 6 months" she said. "That's the same as you and Niall you idoit" I said. "Oh yeah, whoops" she said laughing. Morgan is a true blonde. "When's your next competition?" I asked her. "Next year, in January" she said. "What day, I might come?" I asked. "It's on the 20th". I nodded and then she said "I was thinking, you know since I'm 21 next year I might retire and go to Uni to study to be a PE teacher". Morgan in school, always excelled at PE and every sport she tried. "Yeah, go and do that you would be an amazing PE teacher" I said smiling. "Thanks El" Morgan said with a small grin. I walked over to Louis and he put his hand around my waist. "So, what are we doing when we get back?" I asked. "Well, we have to put up the Christmas tree and if you would like to, we could go to my Mum's Christmas party" Louis said. "Yeah, let's go, she asked me yesterday" I said smiling. "Yay and then it's my birthday!" Louis said clapping like a 4 year old. When it comes to his birthday. "What do you want?" I asked. "You" he said. "Louis don't be such a perv" I said laughing. "I have no idea" he said. What do you buy for a boy who has everything? I don't know. Once we got to the Zoo, we paid and walked in. "Hey isn't this the zoo where Madagascar was based?" Alice asked. "Yeah, I think it is" Harry said taking her hand. Lauren smiled and walked closer to him, not to close so the fans wouldn't suspect anything. I really wish that Lauren and Harry and Morgan and Niall could be a proper couple. We went over to the seals and sat down, waiting for the seal show to start. I rested my head on his shoulder and we waited. Louis looked down and gave me a kiss on the cheek.  Then for some reason, a feeling in my gut came around. It wasn't sickness but more like something was wrong. It wasn't hunger, we had just had something to eat and it wasn't jealousy. Then it hit me. Perrie is a singer, of course Zayn would go for her. Kelsey is a professional dancer and model, Liam went for her. Morgan is a gymnast, of course Niall went for her and Laure. Lauren is a gymnast and a dancer too and Harry went for her. And then there's me. A huge nobody, who is studying to be a lawyer(I have no idea what you do with Politics and Sociology). I'm not gorgeous like these girls, I'm not winning competitions or earning lots of money. I looked up to Louis who was talking to Liam and Kelsey. What I felt, which I had never felt before. Is that I'm not good enough for the famous Louis Tomlinson and it's true.

Louis's POV =)

I saw Eleanor get up and walk away. I followed her calling her name out but she didn't turn around. It was only when I grabbed her hand in an empty park when she looked at me, her eyes filled with tears. "El are you ok?" I asked her. She shook her head. "Tell me what's wrong?" I asked. She shook her head and said "I can't". "Is it about me" I asked looking into her beautiful hazel eyes. She looked away from me. "So it is about me?" I asked. "YES IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH YOU!'' she yelled at me tears spilling from her eyes. "I'm sorry Louis" she said trying to get out of my grip. "El, what did I do?" I whispered. "It's not you, it's me" she said. "Eleanor please tell me" I said tears forming in my eyes. She mumbled something but I couldn't hear her. "Please, say it again?" I asked. "I'm not good enough for you" she said clearer. Eleanor say what? "Eleanor...."I began but she kept going "Louis, look at Lauren, Kelsey, Perrie and Morgan they are all dancer, gymnasts, models and singers and I'm just a plain old girl who is studying at Uni" she said. "I'm not beautiful like them either" she said crying. It was dumbfounded, Eleanor not good enough for me. "Eleanor, you don't have to be a model or a singer, you are perfect for me and that's all I need" I said holding her hand. "But Louis, you could have any girl you want and you chose me, why?" she asked. "El, it took me so much courage to ask you out, you have no idea how nervous I was and I don't want just a famous girl, I want you because you aren't fake, you are real and you aren't beautiful, you are gorgeous and you have the best personality" I said. Eleanor was crying even more now. "What if your fans are right Louis, what if I'm not good enough for you or that you should go back to Hannah or Larry is real?" she asked. "Hold on El" I said leading her to a bench. She sat down crossing her legs and looking down into her lap. "Eleanor, you know how much I love our fans but sometimes, you don't need to listen to them, you are god damn good enough for me, Hannah and I are good friends, I will not be going back to her and Larry isn't real, you know that it's just a bromance because Harry has Lauren and I have you Eleanor and you mean so much to me and I love you so much and one day when One Direction dies down, I will settle down with you, marry you and have children with you because Eleanor even after 6 months, I fall in love with you more and more everyday" I said. Eleanor gave me a half smile and said "I love you to Louis". I pulled her in for a kiss and she kissed me back. Despite her lips tasting of salty tears, the kiss was amazing. After we pulled apart I wiped the tears from her eyes and said "Let's not go back, let's go for coffee". Eleanor nodded and I took her hand walking to the closet café. "Thankyou Louis" Eleanor said. "For what?'' I asked her. "Just everything" she said. I smiled as we walked into the coffee shop, knowing that I won't be letting Eleanor go. Not in a million years.

Hey guys =)

How are we? I can't believe that 2012 is over, 2012 was my favourite year so far and I'm gonna miss it. Let me go and cry...

Anyway, let's be happy!

I think I'm going to stop the lyric because, yeahhhhh

Eleanor's outfit :)

Don't forget to enter my contest!

Lots of love, 

~Alex xxx

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