Chapter 101

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Ezekiel was still deep in his thoughts as everyone sat.  "So... I'll ask again.  Is it complete?"

I shook my head.  "No, just the beginning phases it would seem."

Romulus smiled.  "That's good."

I met his gaze.  "Good because the merge is starting or because it can be stopped."

He frowned.  "Didn't miss that Apollo was none to thrilled?  I personally like the merging, I never thought he would think anything of it when I explained it to him.  It was when we were at the mansion."

I sat back.  "Why would he care?"

He bit his lip.  "At best, he does have a distaste for wolves.  At worst... turning you would kill you both."

Everyone looked at him in shock and Xavier stood.  "What?"

Romulus met his gaze.  "That's why I'm saying it now, when listening ears are not present.  A wolf can be turned to a vampire, essentially killing the passenger in the process.  However, when the merge is complete both die..."

That snapped Ezekiel out of his daze.  "He wou-"

Romulus searched the table for answers.  "I would pray that he wouldn't be so foolish, but... I can't pin where his mind is as good as I could before he swore the oath.  The closer I become with you, the more distant he is with me.  It just..."

I nodded.   "He knows you will tell me the truth.  It's how it was before."

He looked at me sadly.  "I know you won't listen, but until it is complete... I suggest you send him away.  It's for your safety."

I looked at each of my council then my mate.  All of their faces were distressed, yet somehow I felt at ease with the news.  Do you know something Amethyst?  I felt nothing stir, nor could I access a memory.  Then... Nyx does.

I sighed.  "I don't like having an enemy leave to attack later, but... I can think of no other way..."

Ezekiel gripped my hand.  "If someone is wi-"

I met his gaze.  "He will kill them.  It's unfortunate that he knows most of our ways.  Now, what shall I have him do..."

Xavier shifted slightly.  "I agree with Ezekiel."

I looked at him.  "That's a first.  Talk to me."

He looked out of the window.  "Have him close, but not near you.  This way he can't plot outside without us knowing.  The Season ends in about two weeks, our event is three weekends from now."

I searched his face.  "So, the same as with Viorel, keep his contact limited and him close enough to kill of need be.  That can be managed... Aurora and William, he is not our favorite vamp by any measure."

They nodded and Ray looked at him.  "Peter can help too.  He has been on edge with how he's been acting with the coven.  Assign him to us."

William was looking at the ceiling.  "I can follow him if need be if he tries anything or one of the others if I can't."

I licked my lips.  "So far as being here, well he stalks the fuck out of me.  So, I guess I can agree to have someone with me at all times.  Not like it's a hard feat any way.  Now, the matter of Zoey and Ezekiel."

He looked at me.  "What about me?"

I turned to him.  "For this to work, he will have to kill you or incapacitate you at least.  If we were still mated, then... killing you would kill me also.  He started acting strange after that night."

Xavier grunted.  "Damn, I only wanted him to court you, not this."

I smiled at him.  "If I hadn't ignored him to this point, maybe it wouldn't be an issue.  But you can't be alone either.  Zoey is never alone, but as much as I enjoy Derek, I would feel better if one of us were with her as well."

Ryan shrugged.  "She was always with you before the cliff except for events, she can go back to that now.  Just less wandering around."

I nodded.  "Easy enough.  I eyed each of the people in the room.  Now, let's get to planning this grand announcement."


I tugged Violet's hair.  "It's not that bad."

She scowled at me.  "It's horrible.  Who wants the be so... ugh."

Aurora giggled.  "Look it's not the ceremony."

She threw her hands up.  "Exactly, if I ever lost my mind and agreed to that shit... I don't even want to think about that."

Xavier smirked.  "Oh, you'll have one."

She growled.  "That I won't attend."

I smoothed her hair.  "I'm sure Miss Ga-"

She jumped out of my reach.  "Fuck no.  Don't tell my favorite seamstress shit."

My arms feel to my side.  "Okay, what would you like?"

She rocked on her heels.  "Well sweats and t-shirts are apparently out of the question..."


She pouted as all of us spoke in unison.  "Less fancy than what we've attended?"


She looked at the floor.  "But... my sharp, pointy things..."

Ray round the table to still her.  "Gale has perfected the art of style and weaponry."

She looked at her with tears.  "She will kill me if I ruin it."

Xavier sat back, smirking.  "Not if you change first."

She sniffed.  "That's so much work for an annoucement... we were already fully mated, we're kinda halfway there, everyone who isn't us will be dead..."

Ryan scoffed.  "Then do it to make the old men happy."

Her bottom lip trembled and I noted she really didn't feel as distressed as she looked, just... annoyed.  "I may not invite you.  You would all be mad if I really didn't show.  My mate would kill me, my best friends would murder me, my siblings would torture me to my dying breath..."

Toni deadpanned her.  "One tear actually falls and it will be strawberry on Sunday."

She frowned and pushed Aurora away.  "Fuck you all then, do what you want.  I'm not going."

Romulus was by her side as she started to storm out.  "Take me with you."  She let him loop his arm through hers.  "Let's see if we can't find something to crush.  We need the relief."

She smiled at him.  "See, he gets it.  Nevermind, fuck them, you I like."

He chuckled.  "I know, I'll help you pick a fabulously rebellious des..."

I shook my head.  "She acts like this will be the death of her."

Her brother snickered.  "We are making her make a public display, she hates the limelight and well... you two are the most wanted wolves."

I sighed.  "Will she really not show up?"

Aurora plopped in her seat. "She'll show up and make it her absolute mission to ensure everyone knows she is displeased.  Even if she secretly loves it."

I chuckled.  "Like the celebration you all held for our first announcement."

They all nodded as they smiled softly.  "Exactly."

I thought for a moment.  "Then let's at least make it fun for her.  It will be winter after all."

Everyone beamed and we set to work.  This she will absolutely love...

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