Chapter 87

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I danced through people's shadows until I reached the one I wanted and smoothed blonde hair.  "I think you need to relieve yourself.  Your choice."

I felt her tense as my hands left her, but Luke didn't notice as another couple approached.  "You two look stunning."

Charlotte blushed as Luke tightened his hold on her.  Possessive... why, if... "Thank you."

I licked my teeth as his fingers dug into her side.  "Could w-"

"No, please be on your way."

I arched a brow.  So, not all for the extra affairs? "Sweetheart?"

He turned a steely gaze to her and she cringed.  "What?"

She took a slow breath as I'm sure his grip was painful.  "Can I go to the bathroom?"

Finally, he released her.  "Be quick."

I frowned as I rode her shadow.  Something is off about this...  She glanced around and jumped when she saw me behind her, watching.  "How'd you..."

I slowly walked to the door and locked it.  "I want you to be honest with me... what did you tell him?"

Her eyes widened.  "No-"

I looked at the door as I felt him approach.  "I don't do well with liars..."

Tears began to fall from her eyes.  "He'll kill me... please.  I just..."

I sighed.  "Do you want out or not, Charlotte?  You shouldn't have to live in fear."

She jumped and was trembling as he tried the door.  "He'll kill me an-"

I met her gaze.  "It's your choice.  He won't kill you on this night either way."

He began to bang on it.  "Open the door, Charlotte!"

She fearfully glanced around.  "You sound so sure..."

I smiled softly as he started to ram the door to get in and held my hand out to her.  "I am."

He made it through and she shrieked as I slowly turned to face her mate.  "So... you are here..."

I tilted my head as I looked at his chest.  "I've been found it would seem, too bad for you.  It won't last."

He tried to take a step forward, but stopped as he began to cough as I slowly drew the air from his lungs.  "What th-"

I smiled sweetly and turned back to the frightened woman.  "He'll be out in a few minutes, I would like not to be here when that happens."

Her eyes were wide with wonder.  "You can protect me?"

I nodded.  "We will try our damndest."

She warily took my outstretched hand as she stood and watched as her mate struggled for breath.  "I trust you."

I smiled and stepped into her shadow.  "Wonderful."

"Took you long enough."

Charlotte jumped as my twin came over.  "Be still... she's quite terrified."

He looked her over and nodded as I released her hand.  "We're happy you came."

She slowly nodded and looked over everyone gathered.  Several men and women were coming with us, each with a violet on their person.  "This... you are where they are disappearing to?"

Ezekiel hugged me.  "They seek refuge, much like you.  Any troubles?"

I sighed.  "He got a bit winded.  I guess his lungs failed him at the sight of me."

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