Chapter 77

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None of us were prepared to be blinded, but as light surrounded us, I recognized it instantly.  My feet moved on their own and Zoey dashed to cling to my back.  "ViVi..."

I could only nod as my heart raced.  Alastair...

I don't know...

They've never?

I could feel his panic.  No...

We barreled into what I could only assume was an office to see Dominic cradling Violet.  Fear struck my chest, paralyzing me from moving forward.  She wasn't moving, limp, seemingly lifeless.  Please... we just got her back...

The old man looked up, tears streaming.  However, he was smiling, making me move forward and drop to my knees.  Zoey dropped from my back, her eyes wide.  "I see why he called her a fairy, ZeeZee."

I gently took my mate as she touched her chest.  "Thank the Goddess... you're breathing."

Dominic nodded.  "If she knows how to do nothing else... she survives."

I looked at him and blinked.  "What happened to your clothes..."

He looked at his chest.  "That fire should have killed me... hit directly in the chest by..."

I followed his gaze to the teacher who was against Violet in town.  "Is he the one?"

He slowly rose and looked at the body, Violet's blade perfectly embedded in his heart.  "She said she'd kill you..."  The man coughed, blood pouring from his mouth.  He was as good as dead, but the old man knelt and slowly pulled the knife from his chest.  "She'll want this back."

Zoey frowned as he took his last breath.  "He could have suffered longer."

He chuckled.  "Yes, but we really should be getting back, Little One.  Your sister needs to rest."

She sighed and stood.  "I guess..."  I could only shake my head as she glared at the deceased as we passed.  "May the Goddess deliver just judgement."

The air sighed and I looked at Dominic.  "We burn them... keeps the dead, dead."

A small smile played at his lips.  "Gladly."  With a small whoosh the body caught fire.  "May his body be judged as his soul was."

I nodded and we left in silence.  Xavier rushed to us, fear evident until he had his hands on her face.  "You can't keep doing this, Stupid..."

I frowned as he took her from me, but relaxed as Zoey followed them to their mother.  The anxiety in the air began to ease as they said she was okay, just needed rest.  Zoey kept touching something beside Violet with interest.  "I told you she was a fairy."

She smiled up at the man.  "Yes, but they are fading, David."

He smiled and knelt beside her.  "Then, no one can clip her wings when she is not using them."

She sighed.  "But... they're pretty..."

He pat her on the head.  "They are the first light I saw in unending darkness, Little One.  When she needs them again... they will come back."

I sat at her other side, intrigued.  "Tell me what they look like, Princess."

She smiled her eyes pinned the ground beside her sister.  "Like... when she did the thing where the Light surrounded her just... wings like a bird, but her sized."

I stroked my mate's cheek.  "She never ceases to amaze..."

Zoey smiled at me.  "Nope, she still has a way to go yet."

Silver Fairy (Little Alpha Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now