Chapter 56

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The next morning was still hard, not as hard, but hard.  I made it to the office and slumped in my chair, staring at Violet's picture.  I opened the locket and saw her background was darker.  It made me smile... it gave me hope.  Wherever she was, she was getting better.  I sighed, I had to believe that.  I had to believe that one day... she'd come home to me.

I frowned as my door opened, but relaxed as her twin sat across from me.  He looked better, eyes not swollen from tears or cheeks blotchy from crying.  I imagined I looked the same.  "She cried and threw a whole tantrum when she caught a whiff of your scent.  Then... after she threw it and it started to sing she cried again as she opened it and held it tight until she fell asleep."

He closed his eyes, a small smile on his lips.  "I'd hear her sniffle and it'd sing again, then she'd go back to sleep.  Thank you for that."

I looked back at the picture.  "I'm glad it helps."

He nodded.  "She actually let Derrick make her cereal this morning and ate.  I don't know how she did it."

I sighed.  "Zoey is her whole world and so much like her.  She's strong... it'll just take time for her to come around."

He bit his lip.  "I know she's my sister, but... you and Violet were the ones really raising her..."

I smiled softly.  "Anything you need... I'm here, hopefully she'll get around to seeing me again."

He sighed in relief.  "Thanks... so what the hell will she eat?"

I chuckled.  "Violet never gave her a choice."

He threw up his hands.  "That's not working."

I thought for a moment, recalling my mate's words.  "She's a child, she needs consistency.  If you lead she will follow, the problem is people let her do the leading."

He smiled.  "Sounds like Violet."

I sighed.  "That's what she told me before we moved in together.  If it was going to work, both of us, and Derrick when he was there, would have to guide her.  He knows this, we help each other."

He nodded slowly.  "He's been at odds with all of this as well.  He's afraid if he's too harsh it'll hurt her."

I pursed my lips.  "Be firm, not harsh.  Some things she can have a say in, what she wants to play or draw, but things like eating, studying, training.  Make her stick with it."

He nodded.  "Kids crash course... got it.  I'll probably call you tonight because it's going to be hell."

I finally looked up from the picture.  "Trust me... that will never change."


I sighed as I knew the sun was rising, another sleepless night.  I looked up from my book and sat back, my mind whirling.  I missed my family, my mate.  I knew they were worried sick and hurting.  I listlessly picked at the page I was on.  This place was keeping me from them.  No amount of mischief could mask the misery I felt gnawing at my insides.

"You don't eat... you don't sleep.  This isn't helping with your recovery."

I glanced up at warm brown eyes.  "Rest and nourishment can do nothing to heal this pain."

He sat across from me.  "You are making a difference here... do you think nothing of that?"

I stared at the page.  "Does that difference help my baby sister sleep at night or still my mate's anxiety?  Does it calm my brother's wrath or brighten my best friend's darkest days?  Can it lead my pack or rescue the lost rogues?  My life is not here, Old Man.  Do not speak as though you understand."

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