Chapter 40

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I swear the floor was groaning in pain from my pacing, but Violet was out there alone and there was nothing I could do to help.  My head snapped up as the door was kicked in and people stormed through.  I didn't have time to think as I struck out at the first few and they went down, but there were too many, even the vamps couldn't keep up.

I felt as I was stabbed with something and fell to a knee as I got dizzy.  "It's been sometime, Ezekiel..."

My stomach rolled at the sound of the voice.  "If yo-"

A hand jerked my head back and I looked into angry blue eyes as the world faded to black.  "Oh... don't worry, we will take good care of that bitch."

I opened my eyes to a dark room, chains on my wrists and ankles.  I blinked to gain some focus and looked around to see I was on a bed in an empty room.  "Impossible... how can someone get in and out without being seen?"

"And take a man with them?  He was on the edge of death, no condition to run."

I couldn't help, but smile.  She did it... she got out...

I tried to move, but whatever drug they got me with was still coursing through my veins.  "Well... we have the boy, the girl will follow."

My heart sank.  "No..."

I heard shifting beside me.  "Yes... it seems your little fling has made some powerful and terrible enemies."

I snapped my head towards the voice.  "Brenda..."

She smiled.  "In the flesh..."

I tried to get out of her reach as she extended a hand towards me.  "Don't touch me..."

She raised her eyebrows.  "Oh... I will do much more than touch.  And when they get that little freak... well, she will be little more than a toy for the next man to fuck."

Rage burned through my veins as I tried to move, but I still couldn't move.  Alastair...

I was met with silence.  I tried again and realized he was being blocked from me.  "Shhh... relax... I'll be sure to please you more than she ever could."

I clenched my jaw and my eyes shut as her hands tugged at my shirt.  I may not have been able to reach my wolf, but... Nyx, help me return to Violet.  And to kill this bitch so you can deal with her.

I felt something stir in me and felt as the air began to do the same.  I glared at Brenda and focused on her chest, pulling the air from her lungs.  She fell forward, gasping and clawing at her throat.  I tried to maintain my hold as the door opened and shouts were heard.

They fell too as the ground began to shift beneath me.  Again, I was stabbed in the side and my grasp on the world slipped.  One thing I knew as I looked at the blue face in front of me.  She's finally dead...


I stabbed the last of the wolves in the room and turned my gaze to Apollo and Romulus, both covered in blood and wounds.  They fought hard and for their lives, but my mate was missing.  Brenda's scent still thick in the air.  "Where is he?"

Apollo looked regretful.  "They... poisoned him.  We tried to stop them, but there were so many."

I nodded toward the man I had brought, he looked at me, terrified.  "Take him and return to the mansion.  I will be along shortly."

Apollo was in front of me as I turned.  "You can't go alone..."

I brushed past him.  "It's an order, disobey and I better not see you again."

I wrapped myself in shadows that readily clung to me.  I was back at the palace in one step and didn't feel the effects of the distance in the least.  I sniffed the air and followed the smells until I was back in that Goddess forsaken hallway.  It was pandemonium as the ground below shook and I smiled.  He's fighting... good.

It was seamless as guards ran to the source, leading me to my mate.  I growled as someone stuck a needle into his side and finished what he started as he was dragged back to sleep.  The surprised looks on their faces were priceless as they fell dead.

I glided over them and my lungs failed me.  Ezekiel was chained to the bed as the man I just saved was, Brenda sprawled across him... almost dead.  Her heartbeat was faint, but there as I pulled her up by a handful of her hair.  "I told you what would happen if you touched what was mine."

Her eyes focused as her heartbeat quickened.  "Ho-"

Her words were drowned our and she began to try to cough up water.  I allowed her breath only to steal that air from her lungs.  "I told you... you would die, slowly and painfully.  Too bad I have a time limit, but I will enjoy this none the less."

Wind was replaced with fire and her screams filled the air.  I didn't care, shrouded in darkness as people responded.  They watched in terror and she began to gurgle again, unable to catch her breath, unable to explain what was happening.

I ceased.   "Sh-"

I shook my head and began the cycle again.  She was in tears  nearly driven mad by the time I stopped again.  "Ple-"

I frowned, I wasn't ready to hear her beg for the end until something in me urged me to do so.  I reluctantly allowed her to meet death, fire spreading through her veins until her face was frozen in pain.  May the Goddess deliver just judgement to you all.  I truly hope it is painful...

The shell shocked people at the door started to inch in now that she lay motionless and I eyed each of the dead, setting them alight.  Where your souls go, may your body follow.

Shouts of dismay sounded as they scrambled back, my inferno overtaking the room.  I allowed my hold on the shadows to fall and looked at the terrified people.  "If you and yours come for us again... you will meet the same fate."

"Get the guards!"

"It's her!"

"We can't let her leave!"

I ignored the shouts, they wouldn't be able to walk through this fire.  It would kill them, though I felt nothing from it.  I stroked Ezekiel's face.  "I'm sorry, Love."

His eyes fluttered open and he took in the scene around us.  "Violet..."  He reached up and touched my cheek.  "It's okay... I'm okay."

I bit my lip and used the key that I acquired earlier as water was being flung into the room.  It did nothing to the flames as I hugged my mate tight.  "I want this place to crumble... I want them all dead."

He buried his face in my hair.  "They are not ours to kill just yet.  Those who were are now dead."

I sniffed and nodded.  "You almost had her..."

He pulled away.  "She wasn't dead?"

I shook my head.  "I made her suffer first."

He wiped away my tears as shouts of how insane we were could be heard.  To the outside world, yes, a couple sitting calmly in a sea of flames was unheard of, especially when they were burning everything that got close.  However, we were untouched, perfectly in control of the waves of fire.  "I'm happy you did, she deserved that and so much more.  Let's go... we can't remain here."

He pulled me to my feet and wrapped himself around me tightly.  "Good thing we practiced back home."

He chuckled as we stepped back into the alley.  "Or I'd be vomiting all over you."

I nuzzled his chest.  "Gross..."

He kissed me softly.  "You need to rest.  Do you have another step or two in you?"

I smiled weakly. "Maybe a few..."

Luckily, the vamps had the forethought to leave the car as Ezekiel lifted me and carried me to it.  He laced his fingers through mine and kissed my hand when he got in.  "Rest well, Princess.  You deserve it."

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